
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

under the full moon light we dance.....

I am blessed to be part of an amazing all women African drumming circle which met last night to celebrate the full moon, the hot summer and Lammas. Besides the wonderful experience of drumming with women this group has reconnected me to the natural rhythm of the seasons - highlighting olden traditions & rituals from times when we were more in tune and connected to nature. Last night I learned about Lammas and I wanted to share. Lammas, in the Celtic tradition, is the time to celebrate the "first fruit", a time of the initial sheaves and gratitude for the harvest at hand, and those to come. Last night we celebrated our own harvests - taking time to note a personal journey that we may just be seeing the first fruits of. I found this to be an empowering experience, taking the time to reflect. In these past three years I have experienced an amazing growth spurt ~ personally and artistically, and last night i was given the space to breathe and acknowledge my journey so far. It was powerful!
So I want to encourage you to go out and look at the amazing moon during these hot summer nights and, if you want, think about your own personal 'harvest', the 'first fruits' and celebrate ~ peace

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