
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

We have a DATE!!!!

The date has been set for the opening reception of my installation at Medicine Wheel ~
drum roll please.......
Friday, September 18th 5~8pm.

So mark your calendars, plan your evening, get a babysitter... it should be worth it!!
Of course I still need to finish it but all in good time. Right now i am trying to create the invite and I am struggling with my photo decision. Since the space is not finished I am going for a detail, a close-up, kind of a teaser ~ here are some that i am thinking about ..... any suggestions???
bachelor #1 ~
bachelor #2 ~
bachelor #3 ~
bachelor #4 ~
bachelor #5 ~
Also Medicine Wheel got a great article in the Herald this Sunday ~
Lots going on ~ very exciting!! So spread the word because this installtion, my entire summer of work, is only going to be there for a few weeks!!! the fun of an installation!!! Peace!!!

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thank you for visiting my blog and for taking the time to comment ~ it is always a gift to get feedback!! so thx and peace ~