
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Yeah for the world wide web!!!!!

Isn't the Internet amazing???? It is always interesting to me to see what information gets where and how. I just goggled myself to see if my facebook fan page comes up and low and behold I found my Dress of Etiquette on the web site Emily Post’s Etiquette Daily ~

Now sadly my facebook fan page did NOT come up - I still need to work on that. But I have set up a fan page!!! (Yeah - after many frustrating hours of my computer freezing up) And so there is another site about my work out in cyberspace. Now I am not completely sure the difference between a fan page and a blog because everyone can view the fan page -you don't need to be a member. However with the fan page i was able to create a photo album which chronicles the construction of 'this comes from within'. Also I have been able to post the information about the opening which is helpful ~ since I still don’t have the official postcard invite and the opening is only 15 days away. But my mantra lately has been – it will all work out!!!!

Now back to the fan page …. To view my new fan page with the photo album …here is the address.
Lastly, today this quote was emailed to me and I am amazed on how timely this delivery was. As I am finishing this installation, I have been working hard on my artist's statement about it & this quote had given me another perspective. Many who see the eggshell dress immediately think wedding dress and even though it is a white dress I was not going for wedding dress, per say. However this quote put a different spin on the idea of being a bride, giving me an entirely new thought process. So I say again ~ isn’t the Internet amazing????
“When it’s over, I want to say: all my life I was a bride married to amazement.
I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms.” Mary Oliver

So once again, thank you Mary Oliver & peace

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thank you for visiting my blog and for taking the time to comment ~ it is always a gift to get feedback!! so thx and peace ~