
Thursday, November 12, 2009

just a few reminders.....

Friday, November 13, 6-8pm ~ opening reception for the Icons & Alters 16th annual benefit exhibition @ the New Art Center, Newton, MA. Follow this link to see all the pieces that are available! The show runs from Nov.13th - Dec. 13th, 2009.

Also mark your calendars for RED It's more than a color: metaphor, feeling idea or hue @ the Cambridge Art Association. I am happy to announce that Lush was accepted in this show. The show will run from Nov. 10th, 2009 - Jan. 14th, 2010 and is exhibited in 2 places - the Kathryn Schultz Gallery, 25 Lowell St. & University Place Gallery, 124 Mount Auburn St (both in Cambridge). The opening reception is Friday, November 20th, 6-8pm in both galleries. This show was juried by Carl Belz, Director Emeritus, Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University. I am not sure where Lush is but will let you al know as soon as I do :).

Other arty events not to miss ....

The Dana Hall School Art Gallery will feature an exhibit by David A. Lang titled Sculpture from October 20 through November 24, 2009. Gallery Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Wednesday and Friday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. And here is an article about the show ~ there is a video too!!!

Also an installation by Evelyn Berde ~ "Leaving The River" an Installation of Art about Loss and Love, Mass College of Art & Design, Arnheim Gallery
November 16, 2009 – December 3, 2009
Opening Reception: November 18, 2009, 5 to 9 pm

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