
Monday, December 7, 2009

two milestones for the Dress Project

Yesterday my friends and I made a road trip to Providence, Rhode Island to drop off 5 dresses at Gallery Z to be part of their show,"Functional Objects of Desire". I am especially excited about this show, besides being an exciting show in a great space, it represent two milestones for the Dress Project! The first being that this show is the 12th juried group show for the Dress Project in 2009 (besides my two installations ~ it has been a wonderfully full year!!)!!! And secondly ~ the Dress Project has crossed state lines!!!!

The dresses that left the state are two big sculptures ~ the 'Red Alert Cocktail dress' and 'In Memory of....' and 3 mini dresses fresh of the work table. Pictured here is 'tuck under thumb and hold firmly' or chopstick dress (it is made from chopstick wrapper that have the instruction on how to use chopsticks properly). I hope to post pictures of the other two later - one is another crossword puzzle dress and the other was inspired by 'this comes from within'. I called it 'precious', made out of rice paper, feather, eggshells and glitter ~ it makes my heart soar.

The show will run from December 9th ~ December 23rd with the opening reception on December 17th 5-9pm. The Gallery is wonderful and located in an Italian neighborhood full of yummy smells. After dropping off the work we had a delicious salad and pizza just down the street from the gallery so make a plan to come by the show then grabbing a tasty bite!!!
Another fun show that is featuring a dress is Icon and Altars at the New Art Center which is ending this Sunday. There will be a closing reception Sunday, December 13th, 3-5pm with the ticket drawing @ 4pm ~ i have heard it is lots of fun to be there for the drawing.
A wonderful ending to an fantastic year!! and i send many thanks out to the universe for offering me all these amazing opportunities and giving me the support systems to be able to seize the moments!!! I am truly, TRULY grateful and hunger for more ~ wonder what 2010 will hold?!!!! thx & peace!!!

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