
Monday, February 22, 2010

Everything is a learning experience....

Well i finally got to see pictures from the show, "From the Center : NOW!" that is in Chicago, IL. The show is running for a few more days (January 22 - February 25, 2009) at the Woman Made Gallery. If you follow the gallery's link it will take you to the images of the show taken by Cara Boldarini. It looks like a beautiful show - I am so sorry that i could not see it in person however even if it was closer i don't know if i could have made it!!! This 'recovery' thing is harder than i ever thought!!!

I was happy to see Black Widow made the trip safely and that she looks good, I am only sad that they hung her from the rod that i used to secure her during her shipping. I had asked her to be hung and they did do that ~ there was just some miscommunication about how to hang her.... just a lesson for the future. This was the first time that i sent a piece out on her own and I now know that i need to be really specific with my instructions when I am not installing the piece myself. This is all a learning experience!!! And possibly the people seeing it for the first time are not bothered by the rod (although I think there is a price sticker on one end ~ alas.....)

But I am honored to have been included in this beautiful show. And it has given me some solace that one of my dress is out there doing her thing as I convalesce in bed!!! I am not a good patient!!! and I have gotten a cold to BOOT!!!! anyway as i lay in bed .... I am working on a giant white crocheted creature - or as i see it a giant white blood cell - which is going to conquer all these germs & get them out of my system!!! And crocheting is good therapy for my hand so things are good!!!

If you are in the Chicago area - try & stop by I would love to know what the show is like in person!!! take care & peace to all!!!

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