
Thursday, September 2, 2010

testing out my 'photographic' legs

Well the leaves are changing and the kids have started school so that means that Fall is just around the corner. And with Fall comes the Natick Artists Open Studios!!! This year the open studios will be running Saturday & Sunday Oct. 16 & 17 ~ 12-5pm. I mention this now (Sept. 2nd) because today I dropped off my photo, Droplet, to be part of the NAOS "WATER" group show which will be at the Morse Institute Library. This is one of the many events that runs in conjunction with the Open Studios. Over 48 artists who are participating in open studios this year are exhibiting one or more of their pieces that have a water theme. It is a great survey of some of the talent that you will find at the open studios this year.

After much deliberating I decided to submit a photograph ~ something a little different for me. I have been taking many photographs lately. I have joined a very casual group which tries to post a photo-a-day ... no assignments, no pressure, just a creative activity. Now, my participation ebbs and flows but I LOVE the outlet and find it SO inspiring. It has been a wonderful exercise to get me to see more ~ to fine tune my artistic eye. Also, I have realized how much I love taking photographs!! But I feel very funny thinking of myself as a photographer ~ feel like i haven't taken the appropiate classes or something. But the more photos I take, the more I like the way the pictures look like ~ and this is a particular favorite of mine. I really enjoy taking pictures, especially after the rain ~ I am captivated by the remaining drops. So I felt this was a good opportunity to try out my photographic legs a bit. And it was so wonderful to see one of my photographs big and in a frame!!! Which does give it a bit of a more professional look.

I am also planning to submit this photo to a The Portrait Show. It reminds me of the Anaïs Nin quote which I feel so connected with lately ~
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
Secondly, a friend saw this photo as a self portrait ~ 'mirroring my attention, sensitivity and awareness of the small miracles that surround me' ~ love that thought!! So we will see if the juror sees it as a portrait...

The NAOS Water Show at the Morse Institute Library starts today and runs thru Friday October 29th.


1 comment:

  1. I love it - and couldn't help noticing since it is your photo, that there is a dress shape in the "in-between" petal


thank you for visiting my blog and for taking the time to comment ~ it is always a gift to get feedback!! so thx and peace ~