
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Illustration friday ~ chicken

The Illustration Friday's theme this week is CHICKEN!! what a great theme ~ i couldn't let this one pass without posting something!! however I feel although i am cheating a wee bit because the chicken is not the center of this piece ~ but if i tried to paint a new chicken illustration....well lets just say i doubt there would be a chicken illustration friday from moi!!! So I am going with this favorite illustration from a many moons ago!! I love this piece because I LOVE to dance!!! and these guys seems to be having a rip~roaring, hum~dinger of a time!!!

So here is to my chicken and his buddies cutting the rug under the stars!!! Dance on!! & peace!!

To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful. ~Agnes De Mille

Let us read and let us dance - two amusements that will never do any harm to the world.

Dance as though no one is watching you.
Love as though you have never been hurt before.
Sing as though no one can hear you.
Live as though heaven is on Earth.


  1. Hello Virginia (I have a daughter named Virginia and clothing designer)
    well, very beautiful your IF
    I really liked both pictures!

  2. I love those dancing animals! really fun image!

  3. Virginia! I love these guys! They look like they are ahving a blast. I just have to ask....Are they doing the Chicken Dance ? Great illustration!


thank you for visiting my blog and for taking the time to comment ~ it is always a gift to get feedback!! so thx and peace ~