
Sunday, August 28, 2011

once again, with feeling

In the past few days I have revisited this most important quote and felt that it was to time again to share it. I feel that it is vital for everyone - artist or not!!!

" There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium; and be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, not how it compares with other expression. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep open and aware directly to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open. No artist is pleased. The is no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is only a queer, divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive than the others."

To me this quote speaks to the core insecurities that we all can battle with, artist or not. It speaks to the idea that we each have a special gift to give the world, or as one of my dresses says, 'we each have a spark of the divine'. And it is not our place to block or question this gift ~ and that is where the trouble begins.

As a mother of two girl, one who is a teenager (yikes), I have watched as they start hiding themselves to fit in, how they have become guarded in their personal expression and appearance, how they put on masks, they close their channel. In their worlds, especially their entertainment world - there is a sameness. In the world of pop singers I am amazed on the number of Barbie look-a-likes ~ skinny & blond (i honestly can't tell many of them apart, but I am not their target market).

Now I appreciate this is adolescences, what we have all gone through and they are discovering who they are..., yet it doesn't stop at adolescences, and it is not only in the celebrity world. I see it in my everyday world, the real world I have always wondered why does everyone want to look like everyone else??? Everyone following the latest fashion craze, no matter if it doesn't feel right on their particular body type. (In high school I wanted to be the Glamour Don't) Where did the idea of personal expression quietly get squashed?? Thank you advertising and media ~ the more insecure we feel about ourselves the more we will buy.

I am aware that I am talking in large generalizations, and now more then ever are is an embracing of differences. But I believe there could be so much more celebrating of our uniqueness - our gifts, our 'quickening's. And for those of us who struggle with this (I am constantly in a battle with self doubt and mourn the energy that I spend in this wrestling match), I desire that we find a way to believe more in our own voices, our own visions, our own expressions, and to squash the self doubt; to celebrate ourselves and each other; be at peace with that queer, divine dissatisfaction. ( I love Graham's choice of words ~ I know exactly how that feels ~ queer and divine)

So peace!!
and for those of us on the East Coast I hope we all ride out Irene safe and sound and dry!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

a question for my fellow artists

my question:
does anyone know how to fix sharpie marker that has been drawn on a coroplast panel??
For this year's Natick Artists Open Studios we are doing a p.r. event where 10 artists have created a b/w drawing on a roughly 2x4 ft piece of coroplast, that people will be able to color at the Natick farmer's market on September 17th ~ the NAOS Art on the Common.

I was honored to ask, and have been obsessed with creating this dress. But as I have been working on the outlines I have noticed that the Sharpie is not as permanent as I would like on this surface. When experimenting with coloring in a black and white drawing with colored sharpie everything is getting muddy - the colored sharpie is picking up the black!! None of the other artists are having this issue (typical ~ I have the issues!!) But as I have small areas to color in I would love to 'fix' the sharpie so this dress doesn't turn to mud.

I have tried workable fixative which melted the sharpie. I also tried covering the sharpie with matte medium, Golden's Fiber Paste (for a texture to receive the colored sharpie) and wallpaper paste and nothing is working ~
any suggestions???

Thank you! & peace~

p.s. ~ mark your calendars!!!
Natick Artists Open Studios
October 15 & 16, 2011
noon - 5 pm
be there or be square

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

ending with a bang!!!

Today I had the pleasure of talking to some of the campers at the Attleboro Arts Museum all about my piece 'insatiable'!! It was a wonderful morning!! My girls and I also introduced the campers to the wonders of crocheting. For most, this was the first time, however there was one girl who
is a pro (she made an orange ball!) and I wanted to learn from her.

We got all the campers, ages 6 - 13 years old, crocheting with different green yarns, some were using hooks and some were finger crocheting. Soon I was showing some how to work with two or more strands and then we talked about adding the beads and charms ~ we all had a blast!! At the end of our time each camper had created a significant chain, and for those who wanted to, they gave me their handiwork which I then incorporated into 'insatiable'.

So 'insatiable' grew a bit more today, and grew a lot during the Green show, which sadly ends tomorrow! It has been such a wonderful experience to be involved in this terrific show, so if you can stop by tomorrow!! hours: 10- 4 pm.

But if you can't make it ~ here are two links to videos from the opening reception ~ you can see me with green hair tinsel performing 'insatiable'.

Enjoy & peace