
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

ending with a bang!!!

Today I had the pleasure of talking to some of the campers at the Attleboro Arts Museum all about my piece 'insatiable'!! It was a wonderful morning!! My girls and I also introduced the campers to the wonders of crocheting. For most, this was the first time, however there was one girl who
is a pro (she made an orange ball!) and I wanted to learn from her.

We got all the campers, ages 6 - 13 years old, crocheting with different green yarns, some were using hooks and some were finger crocheting. Soon I was showing some how to work with two or more strands and then we talked about adding the beads and charms ~ we all had a blast!! At the end of our time each camper had created a significant chain, and for those who wanted to, they gave me their handiwork which I then incorporated into 'insatiable'.

So 'insatiable' grew a bit more today, and grew a lot during the Green show, which sadly ends tomorrow! It has been such a wonderful experience to be involved in this terrific show, so if you can stop by tomorrow!! hours: 10- 4 pm.

But if you can't make it ~ here are two links to videos from the opening reception ~ you can see me with green hair tinsel performing 'insatiable'.

Enjoy & peace

1 comment:

  1. terrific Virginia! looks like a great time was had by all, and insatiable is amazing & growing welllll, insatiably! see you soon


thank you for visiting my blog and for taking the time to comment ~ it is always a gift to get feedback!! so thx and peace ~