
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

an appeal for creative suggestions..

fortune dress on card

Here on the home front ~ i am doing a few more 'dress droppings'.  I love the whole concept of randomly scattering these dresses filled with good intentions, yet i have been wrestling with some aspects of this activity. Hoping that my cyber-community may have an idea or two!!  

First - i don't like calling them dress bombs, although 'bombing' is a graffiti term and scattering these dresses around has a 'graffiti' element.

to bomb :To bomb or hit is to paint many surfaces in an area. Bombers often choose throw-ups or tags over complex pieces, as they can be executed more quickly. From Wikipedia's graffiti terminology

I don't like using verbiage that refers to violent or military action.  I believe in the idea that all we do/say/think sends certain energies into our world ~ positive, negative, kind or aggressive energies; thoughts become reality.  This idea about violence in our language was very much in the press after Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot. Articles were written about how our language is full of combative and brutal imagery.  Here is a link to an NPR article speaking to this issue.  So I am trying to find a more positive name/label ~ dress droppings ?!?, dress-ups ?!?, dress tags (another graffiti reference) Any thoughts?? I'm open to all ideas and would love any suggestions!

Also I experimented with putting the dress on a card with additional information.  It is about the size of a business card, and I listed my blog address, so I might get a record of where these dresses end up.  Although part of this process is the randomness of just putting the dresses out there, it would be fun to see where some end up.   But not sure I like the dresses attached to anything. Again any thoughts???

on a card or just free flying out there in the big wide world?!?!?

Fortune dress w/out card in Home Depot
fortune dress on car at Jo-Anne's Fabrics
And lastly I am experimenting with putting these dresses on greeting cards ~ 
hope to have a bunch done for Natick Artists' Open Studios ~                                                                                             October 15 & 16, 2011 ~ noon - 5 pm

So thanks for any idea & peace to all!!


  1. agree - avoid the bomb imagery; love "dress tags" ... so appropriate to the graffiti aspect and the clothing metaphor.
    I also think the link to the site as a small dress tag attached to the back would work better than a card for the "tagging" purpose.
    Love the dresses on cards for greeting cards too.
    Lots of great stuff Virginia

  2. concept is fun!
    I like dress tags.
    I was thinking of "dress-fiti" or "dress-fit-i", combining dress and graffiti.
    Also thought of dress-fetti" confetti.

    Love the greeting cards!


thank you for visiting my blog and for taking the time to comment ~ it is always a gift to get feedback!! so thx and peace ~