
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Getting into a Poetic State of Mind

Packing up my Poetry Dress to take to Attleboro for my Interactive Poetry Sculpture workshop, TODAY!!! If you are in the Attleboro area, stop by!!  It is a drop-in workshop, at the Attleboro Public Library,  74 North Main Street, Attleboro, MA 02703.  We will be making Birds of Poetry from 1-3pm.

And to help get into a poetic state of mind. . . 

First, here is an illustration of Wendell Berry's poem, The Peace of Wild Things from one of my sketchbooks from 1996.  I have always loved this poem and find it particularly poignant as our lives seem to run at this frantic pace and fears can infest our souls.

Also check out a this wonderful post about friend and poet, Martha Calderaro on the blog, Jama's Alphabet Soup. This blog is written by Children's author Jama Rattigan and Martha was a guest for Jama's Poetry Potluck Series 2012, celebrating National Poetry Month!! It is definitely worth a visit!!! And besides reading a wonderfully playful poem that celebrates National Poetry Month, you will also see pictures of Martha's new adorable Newfoundland puppy, Daisy.  
by Martha Calderaro 
Maybe I shouldn’t have borrowed it without asking,
painted it magenta with golden daffodils,
folded origami swans from bulk-rate inserts,
penciled nursery rhymes on envelopes that looked like bills.
In my defense, I’m not a reckless driver,
have to say, I love the steering on the right –
makes it easier to offer treats along the sidewalk,
like a limerick or a sonnet to recite. (click here to see full poem)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the Wendell Berry poem, "The Peace of Wild Things." It came just at the right time!

    Have a wonderful workshop in Attleboro today!


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