
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

from me to you on this day of giving!!!

May today, there be peace within.
May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others.
May you use the gifts that you have received, 
and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content with yourself just the way you are.
Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us.

wishing everyone peace and joy today 
& all days, Virginia

Thursday, November 22, 2012

A day to be tHanKfuL!!

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays.  

Besides celebrating a quality that I feel is quintessential to one's quality of life ~ gratitude; it is also a holiday that most everyone celebrates.  I love this because for the weeks leading up to the big day I can wholeheartedly wish everyone a "Happy Thanksgiving'.  This is not true with many of the other big holidays.   And I enjoy spreading the concept of gratefulness especially during this growing frenzy of materialism, aka black friday, but that is for another post.  

the dress of plenty - westwood, ma

So on this day, we all take a moment to be grateful and take note of all the ways in which we are blessed.  To celebrate this day I took to the woods ~ to delight in the wonders of nature.  And today, in the Boston area, Mother Nature put on her Sunday best for the day.  The weather was exquisite and I was blessed to have the time to amble through some beautiful woodlands.  

I also made a dress!!!

In the area that I settled after my walk, the ground was covered with acorn tops.  These precious caps immediately caught my attention and as I pondered them in my hands I was amazed at their intricate pattern.  I was also taken by their similarity to a breast, nipple and all.  And soon I found myself gathering dozens and constructing a dress right there in the warmth of the brilliant Thanksgiving sun.  

note the beautiful patterns on these caps
Add caption

When the dress was finally finished it was composed of piles of these little treasures, and taking in consideration of the day of its creation, I called it the dress of plenty. 

Everyday I try to life with the intention of thankfulness; to be aware and present to all the gifts that life offers me, even if they are at times cloaked in sadness or strife. 

This thought makes me think of Rumi's poem, The Guest House, with which I will close this post.  
Wishing all a wonderful day of gratitude & peace ~

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.
Be grateful for whatever comes.
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.
-- Jelaluddin Rumi,
    translation by Coleman Barks

Saturday, November 17, 2012

and she's off . . . .

As the Holiday season is revving there are many arty events and shows that I am involved in, and a few need a bit of explanation!!! So here is a quick break down with visuals ~ 

Similiar to an advent calendar but this one runs from December 8th (when the raffle is done) to the New Year. It is a celebration of all the holiday seasons!!

First is my ' celebration wreath' that I am donating to the Attleboro Arts Museum for their:The Art Of Celebrating: Trees and Lights and Symbols of the Season
From December 1st – 8th, 2012 the Museum will exhibit unique Christmas trees, wreaths, Hanukkah menorahs and Kawnsaa kinaras created and decorated by volunteer artists. Each piece on display will contain a creative twist on a traditional symbol of holiday celebration. These items will be shown in the Museum’s Community Gallery, Tuesday – Saturday from 10am – 5pm.
All pieces will be raffled off to benefit Museum art classes for all ages and art exhibitions.  Raffle prices are: One ticket for $1; seven tickets for $5; twenty tickets for $10.  Winners will be selected at the 2012 Member’s Exhibition Opening Reception on December 8th from 2-4pm.  Ticket holders do not have to be present to win.

Each dress has a fortune for that day.
Each dress is attached to the wreath with a clothes pin with the date.

So I am racing this off to Attleboro today!! And I hope, if time allows, that I will also be delivering something for their member show - but that is still to be figured out!!!

The other work that I am delivering today is my series for Fountain Street Fine Art's program - their CSArt.  I have mentioned this before and have so much I would love to say about this program and the process that I have gone thru, but as I mentioned before - this must be brief :) 

So here is a brief description from the gallery and some links to places you can read more about this event.  The important thing to note, know and remember is that the Harvest Party is tomorrow, Sunday, November 18th, from 2-5.  During this time all the series from the 6 participating artists will be on exhibit.  For those that have already purchased their share, they will be able to choose their 'take'.  Then if any pieces are left they will be sold separately.  Bottom line is that this is a good way to get some exciting art from local artists.  

CSA for art is an idea that started in Minnesota a few years ago, and has spread to over 40 cities across the country. Fountain Street Fine Art, a new art gallery in Framingham, MA,  is trying it this year for the first time. Using the farm CSA model, CSArt gives artists the 'seed money' in the spring that they need to create a body of work that then gets distributed to shareholders in the fall.  

The series that i am contributing I call 'the petite robe' series.  All the pieces are mixed media collages on bristol board.  All the images of rooms that I have altered come from a House Beautiful book and each collage has a little dress in it.

Detail of 'le grand chat'


There is sooooo much to say about this project but I need to finish matting these treasures!! So mark your calendars and come see the entire collection, tomorrow afternoon @ Fountain Street Fine Art.  Also tonight Fountain Street Fine Art is having an opening reception for their show, A Sense of Place


Monday, November 5, 2012

Vote!!! It's your choice!

Tomorrow is a big day for us Americans, no matter who you are backing or what you believe in.  Tomorrow we are offered the chance to have a voice, to make our opinions known.  In the current state of politics it is too easy to get apathetic and cynical (I know I do).  But as election day approaches I need to believe that each vote does matter in some way or other, so I am encouraging all to go out and vote.

Many years ago I learned the importance of voting, or the regret of not voting.  I was living in New York City, surrounded by a very liberal community of friends and it seemed that my candidate was a shoe in; he had tons of celebrity backing, a good track record and, it was forecasted, that he had a healthy lead.  So on election day,  when I was confused about where to go vote and I had so many other important things to do, I felt that my vote was not really  needed. And, I am truly embarrassed to say, I did NOT go vote!!! And you guess it - my guy lost!! and boy did I feel that loss.

I know that my one vote wouldn't have tipped the scales however I really felt a sense of liability; I had not been part of the process, the decision and that left me feeling hollow.  Now ever since that infamous day I go vote at all elections - big or small.  That experience really brought home the importance of adding your voice to the conversation, your opinions to the process and the significance of being counted.

I definitely have my opinions!! and if any of you have seen my car you would know who I am voting for.  But honestly I don't want to push one candidate over another here. I want to urge all to go out and vote, to add your voice to the conversation and be part of the process.

And if you are worried about long lines, just go prepared ~ bring a snack, a good book, make sure your ipad or ipod is charged, remember water and I plan to bring my crocheting!! Maybe a red, white & blue creature?!?!


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Going out with a BANG!!!!

As the saying goes all good things must come to an end.  And so it is for "Upon Further Consideration: what tells a story", my exhibition with David Lang at the Carney Gallery, Regis College, Weston, MA.  But we are not going quietly :) 

Tomorrow afternoon David and I will be conducting a gallery talk which will then lead to a closing reception.  So we would love to have all come and help us toast out our latest creative endeavor!! 

artists' talk ~ 4:00pm
reception to follow

Also some pieces have been added since the opening AND some pieces will be going back to their private homes.  'dear jeff', which is the commissioned by a man who lost his fiance in 9/11, is now part of the exhibit at Regis, for all those who could not make it down to Attleboro Arts Museum.  Another new piece that was in Attleboro's 8 Vision is 'kid gloves'.  And 'in memory of . . .' will be heading back to her owners, who kindly let me show her for this exhibition, thank you Bill and Joe!! 


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Traveling dresses and dates to SAVE!!!

Just to keep everyone up to date 
(there seems to be  A LOT going on right now!!! :)
~ here are a few announcements from the studio ~ 
Persephone's dress
don't slip
eat your vegetables

clementine dress
 Just sent these pieces off to the Ann Street Gallery in Newburgh, NY for their Yumilicious! exhibit. 

 This was the first time that I printed 'don't slip' and 'Persephone's dress' as large photographs which is always exciting.  And while placing my printing order I decided to throw in 'sizzzzle' which I will be showing this weekend at Open studios!!

Yes, save the date, mark your calendar ~ 
this weekend is Natick Artist's Open Studios!!! 
The excitement and craziness is growing in the Natick Artist community 
as we all dig out our studios, trying to make it navigable for our visitors.

I will be camped out in my wonderful studio at 
There hopefully will be many balloons guiding the way. 
I am planning to have dresscards, dressmats, dresstags and 
my new series of collages, as well as other interesting artistic adventures.  

And remember you can ALWAYS bring some green/brownish fiber like material to add to 'insatiable'  When I was performing her at JP Knits for their Yarn Crawl people came in with lots of items.  One family came in with old soccer socks which we cut into strips and added to the beast.  It was such fun ~ all three siblings, ranging ages 4 -10, were nestled in to the couch, crocheting and NOT wanting to go :) 
And lastly ~ 


for 'Upon Further Consideration' at Regis College, 
on Friday, October 26th, 
David Lang and I will be hosting a closing reception.  

There is also supposed to be a gallery talk that afternoon so the finer details will be coming.  So if you have not seen the show and needed an extra reason to go - you now have a the reason ~ a party!!

Hope to see you at one of these arty occasions!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Exciting new work from the Studios of Virginia Fitzgerald

(now for the post that i was writing when i realized the past post, from June, hadnot even been published!!! :)

'mirror, mirror' mixed media collage on panel

These past few weeks have been super full, which is befitting for September, with the usual starting of a new school year. And to add to the excitement, I just added a few big gallery shows, a couple performances and an open studio or two, keeping me 'out of trouble'.

Lots of good things have been going on ~ meeting new people, learning new techniques and creating a  new series of collages ~ all good, but I must confess I really miss writing my blog.  Even with my quick update on my Facebook artist's page, I miss how the act of writing my blog helps me to flesh out my current projects and artistic going-ons.  I realize that this blog is an important record for me about what is important in my artistic journey, and hopefully others enjoy reading it as well.   

So with that revelation in mind I here is a 'quick' post about my newest series and where you can find one of these pieces.

As I have mentioned in an earlier post (the lost  post), I am part of Fountain Street Fine Arts' CSArt ~ and as I have been exploring what my CSArt pieces will be I created these mixed media collages ~ one is pictured at the beginning of this post. These collages don't exactly fit the criteria for the CSArt but I am SO, sO, So excited about the pieces as their own series!!! 

I see the series as a natural continuation of The Dress Project. The pieces speak to many issues that I am deal with in The Dress Project, especially the demands of certain societal expectations.  And this work is 2D which gives me some ability to show it in more places.  But most of all I LOVE to create these surreal worlds.

One of the first places where the series is debuting is at the Attleboro Arts Museum for their 21st Benefit Art Auction.  And they have set up an online auction so even those who are far away can view, bid and possibly win my newest work ~ see info below for online auction.

The piece I donated is called, 'there's no place like home, andy'.  It is a mixed media collage on paper and measures 5x7" with an 8x10" mat.  The dress and hanger are separate pieces that I have created then sewn onto the piece.  This detail picture gives you a sense of the dimensionally of the work.

'there's no place like home, andy'
I am truly intoxicated by this series and have been working on paper and on panels.  I hope/plan to have a few at this weekends Natick Open Studios - but to do that I need to go work on them.  So . . . I must run.  

Check out the Attleboro Online Auction, here is the direct link to my piece.  And thank you for visiting my blog!! peace.

You can now view the
Attleboro Arts Museum's
2012 Benefit Art Auction Items

The Attleboro Arts Museum's Benefit Art Auction is the Museum's  
largest fundraising event of the year.  Proceeds from the auction  
fund colorful and innovative arts programs for all levels of artists  
and art students and a range of exhibitions.   

You can now view (and place bids on) our handsome offering  
of auction items by visiting either:

The Museum: actual auction items are on display through  
November 1, 2012.  86 Park Street, Attleboro, MA 02703.  
Tues - Sat, 10am - 5pm. 


Our online auction website through October 31, 2012:   


Tickets are now on sale for the live auction event:
Saturday, November 3, 2012 Tickets: $35 in advance;  
$40 at the door.   
  Each ticket includes wine, beer and hors d'oeuvres
  Doors open at 5:30pm
  Buffet from 5:30 - 6:30pm; beverages available all evening
  Live auction begins at 7pm
Attleboro Arts Museum
86 Park Street, Attleboro, MA 02703  
To order tickets: 508-222-2644 x13 or  


Endless thanks to our valued 2012 auction sponsors:  

Headline Sponsors
City Spirits; Fine Catering by Russell Morin; Rockland Trust; Sensata Technologies;
The Sun Chronicle
Partner Sponsors 
Anawon Trust/Bristol County Savings Bank; Collins, Smith & O'Connor, LLP;
Mansfield Bank; Barbara and Peter Ottmar
Friend Sponsors
Bliss Bros. Dairy; Castro, Thresher & Oliveira, PC; Willow Tree Farm