
Friday, April 26, 2013

getting out there!!

spirit tree - mixed media on photo transfer with sewing (8x10)
spirit tree detail

without a doubt, I fit the definition of a struggling artist, scrambling to find the way 
to support me and my girls with my art/ my passion!!! 
garden party dress - mixed media on transfer (5x7)
this desire regularly brings me to a state of frenzy  ~ I work on one project, but then move to another project that may be more profitable and then abandon everything to explore a new inspiration!? or maybe my time is better spent making dresscards?!??! did someone mention ADHD??? 
(oh & did i mention groceries, girl taxi service, bills, paycheck jobs...)
green dress - mixed media on transfer (5x7)
Now I am not unique, many know this story, but as I was beginning to sink into hopelessness, I realized that I need to get my art out there before I jump ship.  I have many, MANY unfinished projects, and not a lot out in the world ~ but that changes NOW!

look to the sky - painting on transfer (8x10). part of a series of sky and bits of architecture
I am happy to announce that some of my most recent works are NOW on exhibit at 
And there is A LOT going on at FSFA ~ tonight is the opening of 'materialize', Lisa Barthelson and Denise Driscoll, as well as the Fountain Street Studios' open studios, not to mention FSFA's 8x8 member exhibit ~ so much art in one spot, and now some of my work has joined the fray!!!

mixed media and sewing on subscription cards
detail of loose threads
These pieces represent the many different 'interests' that i have been obsessed with these past months - subscription cards, transfers, photographs,  . . .  as I matted these works I realize that each of them speaks to me.  This is confusing as well as significant, as I have a show at Fountain Street Fine Art this October, and I am wondering/thinking/curious about what I am going to show?!?!? so we will see ~

just in time for mother's day!!!
I am also delighted to say I finally finished more dresscards ( for some reason this was a daunting task) but I now have a good supply which I am distributing to those who want them ~ 
Fountain Street Fine Art, Framingham, MA

Sunday, April 21, 2013

earth day ~

“The ground's generosity takes in our compost and grows beauty! 

Try to be more like the ground.” Rumi

after a week that has frayed one's nerves, and tested one's patience and faith, I looked to the strength and resilience of mother nature.  Boston is now experiencing the season of new beginnings and new growth.  On this Earth day  I wish to share some of the images from my early morning walks with my hound, Scruffy. These early morning walks have given me solace this past week ~ 

collage from 1997 ~ 

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
— Wendell Berry

Thursday, April 18, 2013

words from my heart . . .

As a member of the human race and a mother, artist, nurturer, friend, I feel completely at a loss. Monday afternoon, here in Boston, humanity took another hit. Then to throw salt in the wound, our elected representatives stood on the side of politics over compassion, responsibility and change.

On Tuesday, though I didn't want to fall into the black hole of sensationalize media coverage, I found myself drawn to my computer seeking  . . . solace??, answers??.  And what I found were the thoughts and prayers of my peers.  These people are the ones standing on the side of light, hope, love, compassion.  They shared articles and quotes that comforted me and gave my aimlessly and crazed emotions some direction.  I read spiritual quotes, poignant articles and heroic accounts; some which I wish to share here.

The best way to respond to a tragedy is to pray and to take every opportunity to serve people. Offer your services any way you can. I have been asked if there are some special prayers to use during times like this. I would say to use any prayer that comes from your heart—that is what is most important. Use your own words to pray for peace for everybody. Om Shanthi.

However  I also realize that I need to add my voice to the discussion, to the debate.  I have so much to say ~

I am on the side of peace, of compassion, of 'love thy' sister and brother, unconditionally (regardless of color, gender, choice of partner, religious beliefs and/or even political options).

One quote that i carry in my heart is:
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.” Plato.

Now I am not sure about the 'harder' part but I appreciate that we are have our demons, battles, hurts and sorrows.  The idea, that you have no idea of another's life until you walk in their shoes, and I sometimes even wonder if you can truly know.  I am a believer in compassion and kindness; to others but just as importantly to yourself.  It might sound simplistic but to me it rings true, and the power of self hatred is mighty.

In our society we are bombarded with sensationalized media, inundated with  ludicrous body images, presented with  absurd 'role models' from the celebrity world and berating with the ways that our authentic self are not 'right'.  To sell magazines, products, airtime there needs to be the underlining message that you need something.  Add to this shaky foundation, the insecurities of the economy, the constant bickering of our leadership, and now the uncertainty of our safety.  There needs to be a fundamental shift!!!

posted by my daughter Harriet,
 I am so proud
I am so done with this violence!!! I see our worst enemy as fear!!! Fear is ubiquitous, cloaking itself in many masks.  When my girls ask me about why there is prejudice, my answer is fear; when they ask about injustices, again I say fear. I explain that to be fearful of someone or some idea that differs from your own it is easier than learning about the idea or difference. 

One of the blessings of being a mother is being in the presence of innocence, however fleeting it is now-a-days.  A child enters this world without preconceptions about the world around them, they look at all as good. It saddens to hear my girls casually talk about the lock-down drill they had at school.  It gives me pause when I now need to be buzzed into their schools;  I want my girls safe but here is one more 'freedom' taken down by terror.

I don't have the answers, this is a work in process, but one that needs to be attended to!! 
I have shared here some of my opinions and some of the images and poetry that has given me solace.

Thank you for reading.  And as with my studio work, my goal here is not to change your mind but to make you think, to wake you up to the struggle, and to add your voice.  To close this post I turn to my minister, Nathan Detering, he has shared this meditation during these trying and violent times.  It challenges us to be 'religious witness' ~

In the midst of a world

In the midst of a world 
marked by tragedy and beauty 
there must be those 
who bear witness 
against unnecessary destruction 
and who, with faith, 
stand and lead 
in freedom, 
with grace and power.
There must be those who 
speak honestly 
and do not avoid seeing 
what must be seen 
of sorrow and outrage, 
or tenderness, 
and wonder.
There must be those whose 
grief troubles the water 
while their voices sing 
and speak 
refreshed worlds.
There must be those 
whose exuberance 
rises with lovely energy 
that articulates 
earth's joys.
There must be those who 
are restless for 
respectful and loving 
companionship among human beings, 
whose presence invites people 
to be themselves without fear.
There must be those 
who gather with the congregation 
of remembrance and compassion 
draw water from 
old wells, 
and walk the simple path 
of love for neighbor.
There must be communities of people 
who seek to do justice 
love kindness and walk humbly with God, 
who call on the strength of 
to heal, 
and bless life.
There must be 
religious witness.

link to Obama's response to senate vote:

link to Gabby Gifford's organization and the reason I contributed:

As a mother and a citizen of a global community a responsible gun solution is an extremely important issue. I want the violence in this country to stop!!! I am supporting Gabby Gifford because she is a victim of gun violence and a gun owner, so she personally understands both sides of this intensely debated issue. Also I was particularly shaken by the violent episode in Tucson that where 19 people were shot and 6 people dies, one being nine-year-old, Christina-Taylor Green. Christina was brought to Gifford's "Congress on your Corner" by a neighbor because Christina was interested in politics and the neighbor thought it would a wonderful experience to meet a congresswoman. As a parent who is constantly taking my girls to events so that they can experience life, not just view it on a screen, and one who will happily add my girls' friends to a "field trip", Christina's death shook me to the core.
We need to remove fear as a major component of our lives and of our children's lives, we need to find an answer to all this senseless and crazy violence ~

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Sharing Saturday ~

dose of talent: Cathy Taylor, Double Female Form, collage
For those for don't do FB (bravo) or just like to read get information in other ways,
here are some of the exciting arty happening in the Boston area and this week's 'dose of talent' ~
(& please excuse the weird formatting blogspot and I are having issues :)

This weekend:
8 x 8 2013 April 11 - May 19
8x8 All - Members’ Group ShowEach piece is 8" x 8" in size and $150 in price
Closing Reception May 19, 3-5pm
The 8x8 show is officially open! 75 pieces by 38 artists. One size, One price ($150) The show runs through 5/19, but hurry down, some are already SOLD! ~ yours truly has a piece in this exhibit
Sight Lines show
Just a quick reminder that Roy Perkinson, Greg Heins and Andrew Haines will be in the Gallery for an Artists' talk on Sunday, 4/14, from 2-4. Should be some lively conversation! 

April 10th - May 11th ~ there will be pop up galleries throughout the South End!!! Michelle Willey will be exhibiting the soft sculpture work of artist, Sophie Truang

Saturday, April 20, 10:00-3:00pm @ Concord Art Assoc.                                                                 Adria Arch
  Painting "Outside the Box" with the New Acrylics

Mark Your Calendar:
April 26 - 28, 201359 Fountain Street, Framingham MA 01702
Friday 5:30 - 9:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday 11:00 am - 5:00 pm

Dose of talent: Cathy Taylor.

Cathy Taylor is happily getting back into the art world, again, after needing to slow her studio practice down a bit. But now she is diving back in with gusto.

An artist at an early age, Taylor’s main love is collage and has been for as long as she can remember.  Always looking for new papers and images for her magic scissors to free, she notes how the act of cutting out an image or shape “eliminate the nonessential.”  For Taylor, the act of collaging brings her “happiness and inner peace”, qualities that one finds in her work. Her hopes are that her art will convey non-verbal messages. An especially important message she wishes pass along to women, is a woman’s “sense of freedom and potential.” 
She also works with verbal messages, as she is a poet as well. When a poem and her art seem connected Taylor will show them together, fusing the “the verbal and nonverbal message.

The main themes in Taylor’s work are Nature, Dancers and Women.  She also loves to use swirls, spirals, stars, moons and snakes as well.  Taylor discovered Matisse’s cut-outs in her her twenties and one can see his influence in Taylor’s work.  

dose of talent: Adria Arch
Adria Arch,  another one of the talented artist from the Concord Art Assoc’s exhibit, ‘A Room of their Own,” is a woman after my own heart.   Her current body of work stems from the exploration and manipulation of DOODLES.  As I understand it, she began this series when she was going through her son’s old notebooks and found them covered in these wonderful and engaging ‘doodles’.  Adria is attracted to doodles “for their unselfconscious quality and mystery.”   Inspired by these “unselfconscious” marks made by her son, Adria incorporated them into her studio work.  For the years that I have known Adria I have watched these doodles grow in size and appear on canvases, panels, banners and stairwells.  Tonight she and her fellow exhibiters from “A Room of Our Own” are presenting a panel discussion titled “The Experience of a Coaching Group for Artists” at 7 p.m (my plan was to get this posted earlier, but alas life called.) But even if you miss tonight’s event  Adria is leading a workshop, Adria Arch
Painting "Outside the Box" with the New Acrylics, on 
Saturday, April 20, 10:00-3:00pm.  Also the exhibit is up until May 5th and completely worth the trip.

MARCH 28-MAY 5, 2013
A Room of Our Own