
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Sharing Saturday ~

dose of talent: Cathy Taylor, Double Female Form, collage
For those for don't do FB (bravo) or just like to read get information in other ways,
here are some of the exciting arty happening in the Boston area and this week's 'dose of talent' ~
(& please excuse the weird formatting blogspot and I are having issues :)

This weekend:
8 x 8 2013 April 11 - May 19
8x8 All - Members’ Group ShowEach piece is 8" x 8" in size and $150 in price
Closing Reception May 19, 3-5pm
The 8x8 show is officially open! 75 pieces by 38 artists. One size, One price ($150) The show runs through 5/19, but hurry down, some are already SOLD! ~ yours truly has a piece in this exhibit
Sight Lines show
Just a quick reminder that Roy Perkinson, Greg Heins and Andrew Haines will be in the Gallery for an Artists' talk on Sunday, 4/14, from 2-4. Should be some lively conversation! 

April 10th - May 11th ~ there will be pop up galleries throughout the South End!!! Michelle Willey will be exhibiting the soft sculpture work of artist, Sophie Truang

Saturday, April 20, 10:00-3:00pm @ Concord Art Assoc.                                                                 Adria Arch
  Painting "Outside the Box" with the New Acrylics

Mark Your Calendar:
April 26 - 28, 201359 Fountain Street, Framingham MA 01702
Friday 5:30 - 9:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday 11:00 am - 5:00 pm

Dose of talent: Cathy Taylor.

Cathy Taylor is happily getting back into the art world, again, after needing to slow her studio practice down a bit. But now she is diving back in with gusto.

An artist at an early age, Taylor’s main love is collage and has been for as long as she can remember.  Always looking for new papers and images for her magic scissors to free, she notes how the act of cutting out an image or shape “eliminate the nonessential.”  For Taylor, the act of collaging brings her “happiness and inner peace”, qualities that one finds in her work. Her hopes are that her art will convey non-verbal messages. An especially important message she wishes pass along to women, is a woman’s “sense of freedom and potential.” 
She also works with verbal messages, as she is a poet as well. When a poem and her art seem connected Taylor will show them together, fusing the “the verbal and nonverbal message.

The main themes in Taylor’s work are Nature, Dancers and Women.  She also loves to use swirls, spirals, stars, moons and snakes as well.  Taylor discovered Matisse’s cut-outs in her her twenties and one can see his influence in Taylor’s work.  

dose of talent: Adria Arch
Adria Arch,  another one of the talented artist from the Concord Art Assoc’s exhibit, ‘A Room of their Own,” is a woman after my own heart.   Her current body of work stems from the exploration and manipulation of DOODLES.  As I understand it, she began this series when she was going through her son’s old notebooks and found them covered in these wonderful and engaging ‘doodles’.  Adria is attracted to doodles “for their unselfconscious quality and mystery.”   Inspired by these “unselfconscious” marks made by her son, Adria incorporated them into her studio work.  For the years that I have known Adria I have watched these doodles grow in size and appear on canvases, panels, banners and stairwells.  Tonight she and her fellow exhibiters from “A Room of Our Own” are presenting a panel discussion titled “The Experience of a Coaching Group for Artists” at 7 p.m (my plan was to get this posted earlier, but alas life called.) But even if you miss tonight’s event  Adria is leading a workshop, Adria Arch
Painting "Outside the Box" with the New Acrylics, on 
Saturday, April 20, 10:00-3:00pm.  Also the exhibit is up until May 5th and completely worth the trip.

MARCH 28-MAY 5, 2013
A Room of Our Own

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