
Monday, May 20, 2013

I few updates . . .

I am honored that the Wellesley Weston Magazine picked up my story about my Dana Hall projects and put it on their blog!! Thank you Wellesley Weston magazine!  

Also for those followers and fans of my dresstags I have started posting daily dress inspirations on my other blog and started a FB group (as a learning experience) 

SO if you would like to get a positive, daily idea or quote or sentiment, with or with out a dress :) check out the blog:
or the FB group:
If you can't get onto or even view the group let me know, this is all part of the learning experience :)

"inquiring minds want to know"

Also some news about shows and rejections and my subscription card series ~ 
growth, one: mixed media and beads on transfer
growth, one: detail
Sadly, I learned today that growth, one did n't get into the FSFA's exhibit 'no limit'.  It was  the first times that I submitted a piece based on my obsessively drawn subscription cards.  This call for art was digital and I am not sure if you can get a true sense of this piece via a computer screen, and only one image?!?! It is a small piece: 6.5"x8.5" and one never knows what the juror is looking for or how a show is coming together, alas.  However by the look of the artists who did get in it has promise to be a show not to miss!!

But I am not discouraged (or maybe I am a glutton for punishment?!) I submitted 'spinning I' to the Attleboro Arts Museum's show, 'what goes around'.  They jury is still out about if this piece is in or not.  

'spinning I' is another mixed media piece based on my subscription cards ~
'spinning I' drawing and sewing on transfer
this is the backside of spinning, the sewing tracks

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thank you for visiting my blog and for taking the time to comment ~ it is always a gift to get feedback!! so thx and peace ~