
Monday, October 14, 2013

next on the agenda . . .

Now that 'breaking open' is open, I am suddenly able to think about other things.  'breaking open' had hijacked most of my brain's band width for the past months!

I have physically felt my mind slowly recognizing that the show is hung and that that task is done.  It was an amazing feeling, however brief, because soon everything that I had put off; taxes, student progress reports and other commitments, all started vying for my attention.  But it all good!!

In fact this next weekend is going to be wonderful, so full of art and art talk!  And I wanted to give all a head's up so you can come join the fun.

First, on the evening of Saturday, October 19th, at Fountain Street Fine Art, we will be having the opening reception for 'breaking open'.  The official time is 5-7 but I am thinking we might be there a bit longer.  Anne Gilson and I are so excited about sharing this show with everyone.

October 19 & 20, noon - 5pm.  my studio is at the
Winchell Building Artists Studios,  25 washington ave.
But before the reception one can take in more art at the Natick Open Studios, in which I am a participant!!

Yes, for most of Saturday and all of Sunday I will be in my studio, chatting with all those wonderful folks that stop by.

I am also so pleased that Eujin Kim Neilan of Uni-T fame is going to sharing my studio with me.  So make sure you come by to see her original paintings as well as her silk screened apparel and accessories.

All these arty events basically guarantee a wonderful weekend, one in which I hope that you can join me.
Thank you and peace ~

Natick Artists Open Studios
October 19 & 20, 2013
noon - 5 pm

Winchell Building Artists Studios,  
25 washington ave.  Natick, Massachusetts
link above for link to map

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thank you for visiting my blog and for taking the time to comment ~ it is always a gift to get feedback!! so thx and peace ~