
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

so many gloves so little time . . . .

Here is a little visual teaser about one of the pieces that I am hoping  to exhibit next week  at my two person show, 'breaking open' with Anne Gilson at Fountain Street Fine Art.  
The working title of this piece is 'to have and to hold .  .  .' 
one person's trash is another's treasure or inspiration
I had been wanting to work with rubber gloves for a long time.  It was when I found this metal structure by the side of the road did the idea for this sculpture solidify!
Look Mom, it's a hat!!!
First I wrapped the structure with fabric, tulle and ribbon, in whites, pinks, and creams

and then the attaching began . . . 
and continued . . . 
and continued . . .
I should have bought the gloves in bulk!!
will it ever stop?!?!? not yet
To see the final piece, come to the show ~ opening reception October 19th, 5-7pm.

and yes that is the same weekend 
so come prepared for a weekend of awesome ART!!!

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