
Friday, August 1, 2014

a gift for you . . .

Happy August!
Here is a printable calendar for you ~

click on above image and download it to you computer so you can print.
There is a longer story about august and this calendar on my Dailydress Inspiration blog, which some of you follow but for those who don't I wanted to share my dresscalendar with everyone. 

So if you need a calendar for your desk, refrigerator, car  . . . please enjoy this dresscalendar.  
I have loaded the calendar image to this blog at a high resolution, 
so you should  be able to click on the calendar and download it.  or visit my album dresscalendars on my flickr account.
It should fit on an 81/2 x 11 piece of paper, 
however I always click the printing option "scale to fit". 
(see picture below)

Please contact me if you are having problems and I can email it to you?!?! 
I am having a bit of trouble posting the dresscalendar so that others can download?!?! 
always more to learn . . .

so, happy august & let the dog days begin!! 

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thank you for visiting my blog and for taking the time to comment ~ it is always a gift to get feedback!! so thx and peace ~