
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

note to self: trust the process

© virginiafitzgerald 2014
as I was doing my version of 'morning pages' I caught myself suddenly getting anxious, my head and heart began to whirl not knowing where to put my focus and energy . . .

but then I remembered my intention to be more mindful, present in this moment, this breathe and I doodled myself this reminder:

trust the process.

The act of doodling brought me back to my kitchen table
and soothed my anxiety!!!
( I think this could be the reason zentangle could be so popular.)
I reminded myself that stress and worry is not going to help,
and that i just need to trust myself and my journey.

As I sat with that idea I realized that this was a good thought to share, especially as the end of the year looms and the need to tie up loose ends can be suffocating.

So I expanded my doodle to a pencil drawing, scanned it and worked on it in photoshop (a technique i wish to learn more about in the coming year) and voila!!!

And as I trusted the process my day,
so far, has unfolded in
a pleasant and productive way
without me stressing and worrying . . .

(note to self :)

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