
Sunday, February 15, 2015

a sunday snow day . . .

in case you haven't heard . . . its been snowing A LOT here in the Boston area!!
and today is no different - we are experiencing yet another blizzard!!!! 

Now there is an odd tradition here in the Boston area when a snow storm is predicted, everyone and their uncle, races to their local grocery store. When I moved here it blew my mind!! I mean there is a mass hysteria!! 
Here is Scruffy showing us the scale of the snow piles as of a few days ago.
Recently I decided that it is more dangerous to go to the grocery store before a storm than to run out of milk during the storm. (I mean people are mean!!!)
chocolate and coffee #kitchentableseries
So when today's storm was forecasted and the grocery stores parking lots were full to capacity, I drove past and headed over to Michael's for my storm supplies!!!

 I love snow days,  its mother nature's way of  making everyone stop! the girls and I are safe and warm (thankfully) and I get to make stuff!!
today's experimenting 

As I mentioned earlier, this year, I have made some intentions to expand my art practice.   Another one of these intentions is to experiment a lot!!! 

I want to try more things, different materials, different opportunities, push myself out of my comfort zone. 

One way I have done that this year is by revisiting ink drawings, 
I call these my  #kitchentableseries. 

I love drawing!! but I have not been drawing in a long time. So I started to draw these small still life's on my kitchen table in ink.  

And as a way to keep me out of my comfort zone,  I have been posting them on instagram, sharing work that I don't feel completely 100% competent about, trying to break that ever present striving for perfection and only sharing images that i feel are complete!! (I got this from one of the many online classes that I am taking) 

So when i was strolling the aisles of Michael's in my pre-storm prep mode, I spied a real pen and ink set, with a nib and bottle of ink. For my drawings I was using a ink pen, one that already had the ink in it, I haven't used a pen with a nib since college. So besides purchasing some yellow yarn for my current crocheted project, I treated myself to a true pen and ink set, nib and all!!! 

And today, during this snow storm and between shoveling, I sat at my kitchen table, playing with my new pen, experimenting. I'll do some crocheting later while watching a movie with the girls!!!

I think Scruffy is getting a bit tired of all the snow, it is so deep!!
Hope all are comfortable, where ever you are today!! 
peace from the arctic tundra!!! 

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