
Tuesday, November 27, 2018

for your tuesday enjoyment, a myriad of 'dailydresses'

As I am prepping for a presentation for a possible exhibit opportunity I've realized
that i don't have a good collection of my 'dailydresses' online.  I need to add these to
my website, however until I do I am sharing them here.

These selection includes ephemeral dresses that I have made during the course of my every day, with random materials and detritus that have inspired me. 

I have also included images from my 'dailydress inspirations' which consists of an origami dress with an inspirational quote.

My 'dressproject' began with an ephemeral dress on Wells Beach in Maine on a family vacation.
My first dress, 'brenda's dress ...' was made out of beach stones.  

and the beach and rocks continue to inspire ...

I also have many ephemeral dresses made out of food.  
Besides my passion for eating and good food, I believe the plethora of food related dresses comes from me being a mom and having young girls when I started my 'dressproject'. 

Other inspiration comes from nature ...


and art supplies ...

The following images are from the series, 'decemberdress' (2013) in which I made a 'dailydress' most days in December as a kind of therapy.  You can see more and read more about this series in my post, 

I tell people that I have made over one thousand dresses since I started my 'dressproject', 
and I see no end in sight. 

Thank you for your interest and peace, 

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thank you for visiting my blog and for taking the time to comment ~ it is always a gift to get feedback!! so thx and peace ~