
Friday, October 31, 2008


Happy Halloween!!!

And here are some show infor. and updates....

photos from the DanaHall opening can be found on the Dana Hall website - take a look if you want. It was fun because many people added strands of beads to my flower power dress.

Also the Long Journey show is up and open at the ArtSpace Gallery in Maynard, MA. The reception is Nov. 8th, 4-6. I will also be leading a workshop that following Sat.

This is a group show of six artists who have been working in a series ~ Catherine Carter, Catherine Evans, Jennifer Maestre, Ruth Rosner, Jeanne Williamson & me :-) . It is a wonderful collection, curated by Catherine Evans. Hope you can come by and check it out. Peace.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The God'dress' of the Harvest

Now that all my october shows are installed I can take a breathe (phew) and play Mom for awhile ~ which at this time of the year means carving pumpkins!!! The past few years I have carved a dress in a pumpkin - but this year I felt like taking a year off (call it dress overdose) ... I was just going to help my girls carve theirs. But like so many times the dress would not be ignored! As my girls and I were pulling the guts from their pumpkins I noticed a difference ~ each girl's pumpkin's inners had a different consistency and color! So I started playing with the goo and this is what I got!!

For a call to art from the Brickbottom Art Association that I am working on I have been deep into Greek Mythology, so when I was thinking of a name for this dress - Persephone came to mind. Besides being Hades' wife she is the goddess of the harvest and the embodiment of the Earth's fertility. It seemed an appropriate name for a dress made of pumpkin guts and many seeds. So here is Persephone's frock. Happy carving & peace

Thursday, October 23, 2008

the Dress Project @ Dana Hall

Here is a quick tour of the show at Dana Hall. enjoy!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

the story of Treacherous ( with video too)

Here is a video of one of the newer dresses that is exhibited in the Dana Hall show. This dress has been in the works for over a year. The first version was made of just skewers and masking tape and it was very strong,however ... I got greedy and wanted to have the bottom spread out. By doing that I screwed with the physics of the dress and the entire structure collapsed. When I was trying to reconstruct it a friend and fellow artist, David Lang, told me how to make really strong joints using wire, crazy glue and baking soda. So I wired each joint, did my little magic with the crazy glue and baking soda and then for the aesthetics I have wrapped all the joints with masking tape. The people climbing on it are also made out of masking tape.

With naming my pieces I try to stay pretty generic as to let the audience create their own experience about the piece. So this dress is Skewer Dress. However ever since its first creation it has been referred to as treacherous – because it is!!! If you get too close to the dress it will jump out and snag you!!

For the Dana show I have displayed the dress on a piece of broken mirror which is hovering above the ground. All adding to the illusion. peace!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

the Dress Project @ Dana Hall

the show is installed and ready for the opening tomorrow.
With a good night sleep the artist may be ready for the opening as well. :-)

come by and you can add a strand of beads to the Flower Power dress!!
here is the show information~
The Dana Art Gallery is proud to present
Virginia Fitzgerald: The Dress Project
October 20 th-November 21 th, 2008
Tuesday, October 21st, 5:00-7:30 pm
Gallery information: (781) 235-3010 or
Dana Art Gallery, Dana Hall School 45 Dana Road, Wellesley MA 02482

Saturday, October 18, 2008

the glory of fall!!!

New England is famous for its spectacular fall colors and this fall has been amazingly beautiful! So even though this month has been a bit of a crazy for me I had to stop and make a dress.

It started as I was running some errands in downtown Natick and I came across these stunning red maple leaves with these distinct yellow veins. I couldn’t pass them up! So I gathered them up to make a red dress. I asked my oldest to help me collect some more red leaves and she became enamored with these striking yellow leaves. To compliment the palette I added the spectacular red leaves of the burning bush. As the dress emerged it felt like a flirty party dress so I kept it strapless.

In creating this dress, I realized one of the delights of the Dress Project for me is having a vehicle with which I can highlight different details of everyday life that maybe overlooked. I can draw attention to the beauty of the fall foliage or the exquisiteness of VCR tape or the elegance of broken eggshells. Some of these details will be on display at the show at the Dana Hall School, Wellesley. The opening of that show is this Tuesday, Oct. 21st, 5:00-7:30. More details below or on Dana Hall's web page. Peace!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hello October!!!!!

October is a FULL month for me -
hope you can come by one of these events!!!
October 20 ~ November 21, 2008
Dana Art Gallery
Artist’s Reception
Tuesday, October 21st , 5:00-7:30 pm
Dana Hall School
Gallery hours : Wed and Friday: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Closed Weekends & School holidays.

Dana Hall School . 45 Dana Road, Wellesley MA 02482
Galleryinformation:( (781) 235-3010
October 29 ~ November 21, 2008
ArtSpace presents
LONG JOURNEY into a Series
Catherine Carter, Catherine Evans, Virginia Fitzgerald,
Jennifer Maestre, Ruth Rosner & Jeanne Williamson
Reception ~ Sat. Nov. 8th, 4:00 - 6:00pm
ArtSpace ~
63 Summer St.
Maynard, MA. 01754
Hours: Wed.-Sat: 11-3pm
Natick Artists Open Studios
October 4 & 5, 2008 . noon-5 pm
I’ll be in my studio:3 Pond St. Natick, MA, across from Bakery on the Common
Reception @ Gallery 55, Natick Friday Oct. 3rd ~ 7:30-10pm 55 Main St. Natick, MA
Bunker Hill Community College Art Gallery
An exhibit that explores the art of recycling
September 29 ~ November 8, 2008
Artists’ Reception Thurs., October 2, 2008, 6:00 – 8:00pm
Gallery Talk Thurs., October 16, 2008, 1:00 – 2:30pm 250
New Rutherford Avenue • Boston, Massachusetts617-228-2093 • Gallery Hours:M/W/F: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., T/Th: 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Sa: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., S: closed The Bunker Hill Community College Art Gallery is free and open to the public.for more information : Gallery Web page atVisit:
more info. ~
email me~