
Friday, October 31, 2008


Happy Halloween!!!

And here are some show infor. and updates....

photos from the DanaHall opening can be found on the Dana Hall website - take a look if you want. It was fun because many people added strands of beads to my flower power dress.

Also the Long Journey show is up and open at the ArtSpace Gallery in Maynard, MA. The reception is Nov. 8th, 4-6. I will also be leading a workshop that following Sat.

This is a group show of six artists who have been working in a series ~ Catherine Carter, Catherine Evans, Jennifer Maestre, Ruth Rosner, Jeanne Williamson & me :-) . It is a wonderful collection, curated by Catherine Evans. Hope you can come by and check it out. Peace.

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thank you for visiting my blog and for taking the time to comment ~ it is always a gift to get feedback!! so thx and peace ~