
Thursday, October 30, 2008

The God'dress' of the Harvest

Now that all my october shows are installed I can take a breathe (phew) and play Mom for awhile ~ which at this time of the year means carving pumpkins!!! The past few years I have carved a dress in a pumpkin - but this year I felt like taking a year off (call it dress overdose) ... I was just going to help my girls carve theirs. But like so many times the dress would not be ignored! As my girls and I were pulling the guts from their pumpkins I noticed a difference ~ each girl's pumpkin's inners had a different consistency and color! So I started playing with the goo and this is what I got!!

For a call to art from the Brickbottom Art Association that I am working on I have been deep into Greek Mythology, so when I was thinking of a name for this dress - Persephone came to mind. Besides being Hades' wife she is the goddess of the harvest and the embodiment of the Earth's fertility. It seemed an appropriate name for a dress made of pumpkin guts and many seeds. So here is Persephone's frock. Happy carving & peace

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