Work at Medicine Wheel is cruising along!!! The energy and enthusiasm is thrilling. I can't tell you what it is like to watch your ideas comes to fruition & at such a scale!! On Tuesday I came in to find the dress 'doorway' cut and the walls gray. Then to add to my glee, my sheet metal was delivered to me by awesome Al. He is a painting student of Michael's and a man who knows about sheet metal. Last week as I was pondering the floor and what the dress would sit on I thought that a circle of sheet metal would be ideal. I mentioned this to Michael, wondering if he knew of a good place to find such a treasure and he said to talk to Al who happened to be in class that day. Al was so helpful and in less than week later I had my 8 ft. round circle of sheet metal. The serendipity of this project so far is blowing my mind!!! I am also aware of how pieces of this installation are coming together… the dress doorway leads to a back area of the school. When I started this project it was a small black space but on Tuesday that had changed and that space was completely opened up. Suddenly I saw that space as part of the installation ~ a exhibition area for my pink foam pieces. I put up some pink tulle that I had brought and I loved the effect. Who knows what the end result will be however this project is teaching me to be open, experiment, consider all possibilities and see what feeds off what. And having my wonderful helpers makes this all so much more possible!!! As the space became gray I realized that the ceiling needed to be black – so Billy started to paint the ceiling black. And Amy has been a stellar painter ~ painting gray paint around my black lines. Rachel has overcome her fears of heights up while on the ladder painting the pipes black. Jake is always ready to help ~ finding me a ladder or helping me get my doorway flush into the wall!!! I am truly blessed to have such helpful helping hands!!!
Thanks all & peace,
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