This reminded me of my experience making the Luscious Kelp Dress the week that the Dress Project began in Wells, ME. Each day I would walk the beach looking for which material I would use to make my daily dress. I tried to be as open as possible, to search for insp
iration with no pre-conceived ideas. On one rainy morning i ventured out to make my dress and I came across a beautiful piece of kelp - lush & succulent - basically calling to me. However earlier that week I had considered using kelp but when I picked up a piece to use, it was covered with crawling, creepy bugs & I decided against it!!(now you should know I don't usually get freaked out by bugs but this was nasty) Even a few days later I was still feeling a little squeamish about the kelp & even though this piece was so beautiful I past it by. But only to come upon another large beautiful piece a few yards down on the beach. So I took this as a sign that kelp was my material for the day and I picked up all the kelp and I made my dress, in the rain (and there were no bugs).
So today, once breakfast was done and fathers were celebrated I ventured back out in the rain to make a dress. Along with the Catalpa flowers I had found some other white blossoms - all that had fallen because of the rain. After trying some different surfaces for the dress - the lounge chair turned out to be the best, and after the dress was done I thought that the chair was quite appropriate - a little entreaty for some sun!!!
So in honor of the first day of summer and for listening to one's muses ....
the search for sun dress
the search for sun dress
The prettiest sun dress I've ever seen!