Just a reminder to checkout the
Small Art Showcase for wonderful gifts for everyone!
!! If you haven't heard about this wonderful site here is a brief description.....
a collection of fine artists who are making their work accessible and affordable to art lovers and collectors. These fine artists who, besides making larger scale work, are also making smaller work. All work presented by the artists via this site is priced between $25. - $500. Couldn't ask for anything better!?!
This is
the second year that I am participating and I am trying a new format for my site ~ a blog page instead of a web page. On
my site i am offering my 2010 dress project calendar & my book
the Dress Project ~ the beginning ( a photographic documentary of how the dress project began in Well Beach, ME). You will also find my 4"x6" wall dresses (such as ~ Fortunate dress, shown lower right) & my photographs of the ephemeral dresses as well as some and other expressions in dress forms (such as Rose flow shown upper right).
Besides me there are othe
r inspirational artists, like
Jeanne Williamson,
Catherine Evans,
Deb Putnoi along with 20 others!!! Check out the site and the work of these artists, and consider supporting them by making a purchase :), or telling other people who appreciate art about this site. Some other arty sites to visit are Th
e Fine Art Department and
Whimsical Paintings, they are similar to Small Art Showcase. have fun surfing!!!
Thank you & peace
I can't really imagine those dresses are worn for a wedding. Nice concept though. It is indeed very creative.