
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

insatiable got into insatiable!!!!

I am SO excited to be able to announce that 'insatiable' got accepted into the show, insatiable, at the Kniznick Gallery, at the Brandeis Women's Studies Research Center!!!! I was honoered once I learned that they received many submissions from artists all over the US (25 states), Canada, and Turkey. And the even more exciting news is that it was accepted as a performance piece ~ I am truly psyched!! So during the exhibit I will be coming in to continue to add to the piece. As I mentioned in an earlier post this piece just does NOT want to stop - it wants more and more, and I am trying to oblige!! During this past Natick Artists' Open Studios I asked people to bring in any material that could be 'fed' to this creature ~ yarn, ribbon, rags, wire ~ anything green, black or brown. I was hoping to be working during the open studios ~ I set up a 'pulley' system in front of my favorite chair, however I spent most of the time chatting with wonderful folks!! So not a lot of crocheting but many wonderful ideas.
I am really enjoying adding the more non-traditional material. Here are some photos of interesting additions ~ a broken headphone, old plastic wrap & the old balloon ribbons and balloons from the open studios. I was tempted to crochet in one of the floating helium balloons but I figured it would not be as successful once the balloon landed!!!

So 'insatiable' is growing and growing and it will continue growing at Brandeis university.
The show will run from January 25 through March 15, 2011 and I will post the times that I will be there working!! peace ~

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