
Monday, October 5, 2015

did you know it was #INKTOBER ????

'kitchen table, boerenbont ...' 
Thanks to social media I have learned that October in INKTOBER ...
"31 Days 31 Drawings.Every October artists all over the world take on the INKtober drawing challenge and do one ink drawing a day the entire month."
index card from #ICAD2015
 Now if you have followed me for any amount of time you will know that I adore 'challenges', daily assignments, & all this participatory :) and I LOVE working in ink!! However this past week I have made an commitment to myself to not spread myself, to practice focusing on the task at hand; 
enter dilemma!!!  

Enter compromise ... 
So I am not making a commitment to inktober,  posting everyday! though I'm sure you may see a new ink drawing here or there.) Also there will be posts, like today, that deal with ink drawings .... 

compromise?!?! I'm not sure,  I do KNOW that I am jonesing to find my pen and start drawing, but alas, taxes are calling :(

So on to the other  inky news: 
'once more with feeling ...'

'phases of the moon ...' subscription card series 
This weekend I once again applied for a Massachusetts Cultural Council Artist Grant, this time in the drawing category. I first considered submitting my "subscription card" series, especially as grant committees are mostly looking for the unusual, the unique, something different and usually cutting edge.
However as I was complying the subscription cards that I was going to submit to the MCC, I was also pulling together some of my "kitchen table" series to decide which drawing to donate to the Attleboro Arts Museum's benefit auction.
When I had both series in front of me, and even though I believe the subscription cards are a more unique series, I ended up submitting drawings from my "kitchen table" series, because these drawings really represent a quality of life that I wish to celebrate.  
Below are the images and a brief description that I submitted .... 
kitchen table I 
kitchen table II

kitchen table III

" These drawings are part of the ‘kitchen table’ series. This body of work is a celebration of the beauty and simplicity of everyday life.  Rendered mostly in pen and ink, these drawings are a return to basics; to line, to expressive marks, to black and white, dark and light.  A discovery of the wonders revealed from what remains on a kitchen table. "

kitchen table IV
'kitchen table V' was donated to be part of the Attleboro Arts Museum's Benefit Auction, I will post the link to the auction as soon as they do.

kitchen table V

 happy monday & peace, va


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