YOUTUBE playlist of videos about Virginia Fitzgerald:
link to complete playlist:
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The Dress Project at the Attleboro Arts Museum
DoubleACS Premiered Apr 24, 2019
The Attleboro Arts Museum is featuring the work of a local artist in their Community Gallery. Hear from Virginia Fitzgerald in the DoubleACS Daily News! 2019
“With the dress I discovered my voice, the dress became my soapbox from which I could initiate a dialogue, engage in political debate, question social protocol and excavate my authentic self.” —
metrowestvideosPublished on Jun 20, 2008“With the dress I discovered my voice, the dress became my soapbox from which I could initiate a dialogue, engage in political debate, question social protocol and excavate my authentic self.” —
Virginia Fitzgerald
The DressProject in Natick
Natick artist Virginia Fitzgerald, in her work "The Dress Project," makes dresses out of various materials, including glass and egg shells. Check them out.
Wake up and Smell the Poetry: May 2015
HCAMPublished on Jul 8, 2015BSCRIBE 1.1K
Virginia Fitzgerald tells of the inspirations behind her dress project.
Sporting a paste-on tattoo of the Hindu goddess Shiva, Virginia Fitzgerald fashions a dress from hundreds of dog tags in her downtown Natick studio that resembles a child’s playhouse.
Posted Jun 27, 2008 at 12:01 AMSporting a paste-on tattoo of the Hindu goddess Shiva, Virginia Fitzgerald fashions a dress from hundreds of dog tags in her downtown Natick studio that resembles a child’s playhouse.
Playing Dress-up
When photographer Christopher Penn was walking through Boston's Natick Mall, he came across this eggshell dress made by artist Virginia Fitzgerald. The dress was alongside two other dress creations—one from bottles, the other from paper. Fitzgerald is the creator of The Dress Project, in which she makes dresses out of anything, and we mean anything. Photo courtesy of Christopher Penn.
Fitzgerald collaborates on 'breaking opening' exhibit
Posted Oct 5, 2013 at 12:01 AM
Fountain Street Fine Art in Framingham is presenting “breaking open: New work by Virginia Fitzgerald and Anne Gilson” from Oct. 10 to Nov. 10. There will be a reception Saturday, Oct. 19, 5to 7 p.m. And there will be an Artist Talk on Tuesday, Oct. 22, 5–7 p.m.,Join the Danforth's Journey through the Local Art Scene
By Chris Bergeron/DAILY NEWS STAFF
Posted Jul 22, 2010 at 12:01 AM
Posted Jul 22, 2010 at 12:01 AM
Throughout the galleries, French placed sculpted works like Michael Alfano’s carved wood “Torsos of Positive + Negative Space” or mixed-media pieces like Virginia Fitzgerald’s “Frida,” which incorporates dried roses, dead bees and broken Christmas ornaments to create their own force fields.
Natick Artist fashions found objects into sculpture
Posted Oct 8, 2009 at 12:01 AM
The Vera Wang of “found materials,” she makes dresses from glass and red swizzle sticks, carrots and poems and whatever stuff she finds. Like Humpty Dumpty, her first “Egg Shell Dress” ended “all broken up.”
Green, national juried show @ Attleboro Arts Museum (2011)
Rockland gallery starts the season surreally
It's a wondrous-strange range of photography at Carver Hill.BY DANIEL KANY
Sunday, May 15, 2016
"In several images, Virginia Fitzgerald takes a freestanding, shoulderless dress sculpture out to play the part of her model and muse, with an eye to its ghostly emptiness. The dress, however, finds its best repose leaning against a garage wall with an old push mower. As a couple, they punctuate."
Friday, April 13th, 2018 // Featured, Visual Arts
"Abby Rovaldi’s “My 26.2 Miles,” composed of 20 etchings, and “Virginia Fitzgerald’s” rock tied ribbon dress installation, “Torqued and Tethered,” offer a conversation about struggle and endurance. To create the 20 dark etchings that depict her personal 26.2-mile marathon journey, Rovaldi attached a 5” x 9” zinc plate to the bottom of each of her shoes and walked 2.62 miles to create the aggressive lines necessary for printing. Fitzgerald’s beautiful cream colored ribbon dress in held to the floor with over two dozen found rocks of various sizes and weights arranged into a circle. This piece offers a puzzling shamanistic energy; it’s remarkably graceful and buoyant and yet contains a vexed tonality communicating a women’s struggle to break free from what’s holding her in place — she is twisting upward while fixed in place"
Lisa Barthelson and Virginia Fitzgerald @ Fountain Street Fine Art
Monday, March 14, 2011
What's new for March!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Present Company
13 February – 10 April 2010
Art exhibit and silent auction to benefit the Groton Public Library Endowment Trust
Virginia Fitzgerald: "The frog has been one of my muses for decades. He has shown up on my hand~painted clothing, jewelry, murals and he made his debut on a seat of a chair that was exhibited and sold at the Gift Store of the Whitney Museum in New York City. When I heard about the chair project I knew that my frog would appear once more and this time as royalty. I love the story of the Frog Prince. I feel it is a commentary on the issue of 'judging a book by its cover' or judging someone by their appearance. This is an issue that I feel strongly about and that I deal with in my 'Dress Project' and in life. I am also intrigued by the role that the frog plays in fairy tales, something disgusting that turns into something handsome. Virginia Fitzgerald

March 2016
Natick artist Virginia Fitzgerald discusses her work Feb 27
Mixed-media artist Virginia Fitzgerald will discuss her recent work Thursday, Feb. 27 at Baldwin Hill Arts and Framing in Natick.
Posted Feb 26, 2014, at 6:23 PM
Artscope ONLINE FEATURE:Friday, April 13th, 2018 // Featured, Visual Arts
"Abby Rovaldi’s “My 26.2 Miles,” composed of 20 etchings, and “Virginia Fitzgerald’s” rock tied ribbon dress installation, “Torqued and Tethered,” offer a conversation about struggle and endurance. To create the 20 dark etchings that depict her personal 26.2-mile marathon journey, Rovaldi attached a 5” x 9” zinc plate to the bottom of each of her shoes and walked 2.62 miles to create the aggressive lines necessary for printing. Fitzgerald’s beautiful cream colored ribbon dress in held to the floor with over two dozen found rocks of various sizes and weights arranged into a circle. This piece offers a puzzling shamanistic energy; it’s remarkably graceful and buoyant and yet contains a vexed tonality communicating a women’s struggle to break free from what’s holding her in place — she is twisting upward while fixed in place"
'Flights of Fancy' in Framingham
Chris Bergeron MetroWest Daily News:
March 1, 2012
March 1, 2012
click link to read article on this blog:
Lynette Haggard : Artist interviews
Virginia Fitzgerald: Natick, Mass.
Reception at Fountain Street Fine Art FOR SUCCESS: In the studio with Virginia Fitzgerald
Artscope article via Fountain Street Gallery:
JANUARY 4, 2014
other articles found via Fountain Street:
Lisa Barthelson and Virginia Fitzgerald @ Fountain Street Fine Art
Monday, March 14, 2011
What's new for March!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Present Company
Once Upon a Chair : 10 Antique Chairs with a New Story to Tell
Groton Public Library13 February – 10 April 2010
Art exhibit and silent auction to benefit the Groton Public Library Endowment Trust
Virginia Fitzgerald: "The frog has been one of my muses for decades. He has shown up on my hand~painted clothing, jewelry, murals and he made his debut on a seat of a chair that was exhibited and sold at the Gift Store of the Whitney Museum in New York City. When I heard about the chair project I knew that my frog would appear once more and this time as royalty. I love the story of the Frog Prince. I feel it is a commentary on the issue of 'judging a book by its cover' or judging someone by their appearance. This is an issue that I feel strongly about and that I deal with in my 'Dress Project' and in life. I am also intrigued by the role that the frog plays in fairy tales, something disgusting that turns into something handsome. Virginia Fitzgerald

Thursday, November 17, 2011
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