I am obsessed...
I can’t stop making valentines for the Artists’ Valentine!! Luckily the due date is upon us so I may stop. It has been so fun to explore and create these little treasures & I love working with words and quotes ~
'There is no remedy to love but to love more.' Thoreau
'There is only one happiness in life, to love and to be loved.' George Sand
The fabric hearts are a real passion for me, as well as many who have seen them. When I ask my eldest why she liked them so, she said because of their homemade-ness and I believe she hit the nail on the head. I love the fraying edges and the randomness of the patches. I also LOVE the sewing and embroidery. This reminded me of a piece that I made in college. It is about 4x6 and completely rendered in embroidery floss – using the floss like paint. It has always been a favorite of mine. I can see myself continuing working with this path…

Well Virginia, this is the first time I've seen the Goddess Laskmi in a Valentine's day card! Very pretty. Maybe you'll be doing some saris for your dress collection next! I found my way to your blog via Martha's new blog. Enjoyed looking at all your beautiful artwork See you on Friday!