Also, in August the Dress Project will be in a few shows around the Boston area.... First, from Aug.5th - Aug 29th the photo, A Little Jam Please, will be exhibited at the Bromfield Gallery as part of the WCA's juried show, sense of Humor. the opening reception is during the August first Friday ~ August 7th, 5-7:30 and a closing reception is Aug. 29th, 3-5.
Secondly ~ at the Arts League of Lowell (ALL) three dresses will be part of the show, Fabrication of Imagination ~ running August 1, 2009 ~ August 30, 2009

Lastly - thank you to all who came to David & my open studio party last thurs. It was a wonderful evening and the music of David Williams was magical.

Congrats on the news write-up! Your Emily dress is fantastic!