Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

WATCH THIS!!!! it makes me smile

As we here, in the USA, approach one of our most critical elections of our history, and the political climate and rhetoric feels nastier and nastier,
I wanted to share this wonderful video!!!

I have caught myself watching it repetitively as it makes me smile and it gives me hope, since I remember 8 years ago electing the first black president wasn't a guarantee.  But Obama was elected and I am so proud that he was our country's commander in chief to guide this country out of some perilous situations.  He was handed a sinking quagmire and he lead our country with strength, respect, humor and so much more.  

I am a firm believer in the idea that people learn by example, by what they see more than what they are told, and I have watched Obama lead with such class and intelligence. It heartens me to know that his demeanor and faith in the good of everyone is what the world sees.  He is a role model for all, and I am so sorry to see him go, as is the producer of this video.  

Here is the 'backstory' of this video (published on Oct 7, 2016):

Because of the lyrics of the song "Don't Go" by Jon Tarifa, Spiros Lena was inspired to make a tribute video for the coolest President the world has ever seen!
Artist: Jon Tarifa
Video by Spiros Lena

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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Today this is my worship!!

this morning  . . . this was my church, this was my worship!! 
My president moved my heart and soul, he spoke my beliefs, my religion!!! 
This is the most outstanding eulogy, healing and powerful and inspiring!!! 
Again I state - I LOVE this man!!! Amazing!!!! 

Here is a politician, our president, the target of more criticism and hatred, standing up to eulogize a colleague shot down in the basement of his church.  As I watch and listen to his eloquent words, his call to action, his description of grace, I thought that not many politician would have the guts to speak from his/her heart, for fear of political backlash.  
But President Obama put it all out there, he didn't mince words. And I believe that we as a country will realize that this has been the strongest, wisest and most humane president in our history; as of now.  Hopefully he will stir a movement of honesty and truth in the world of politics?!? 
one can only hope and pray!! 

I encourage EVERYONE to watch this entire clip because yes, Obama breaking into song is moving, however his entire speech offers so much food for thought, on so many levels and issues, 
and shines a healing light on this horrific event and the tragic loss of 9 souls. 

Today I believe in God, thanks to Obama.  Today I feel a glimpse of hope for our country, the country for which I felt so much gut-wrenching despair, just a week ago!!


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Tuesday, January 20, 2009


These past few days i have been on pins & needles and i realized this morning that it is pure anticipation for this BIG day ~ the beginning of a new era!!! So in honor of this historical moment … an Obama dress ~ made after scrounging the house for blue markers that work, and between making lunches and getting girls on the bus. Yeah life! Peace to all!!