I was so fortunate to have been able to get to her retrospective at the Guggenheim Museum, NYC, in 2008. The show blew my mind!!! Her pieces worked well with the architecture of the Guggenheim ~ both with their twists and spirals. I spent the entire day in the museum, so much that some of the museum guards noticed my complete absorption and made sure that I saw everything, directing me to this and that exhibit area!!
Bourgeois' Personages were her first pieces that made me sit up and pay attention. I saw one in person at the ICA's show, Bourgeois in Boston. The piece moved me, but then when i read more about the body of work I was even more captivated. When she exhibited her Personages for the first time she wanted them attached directly to gallery floor, not on pedestals. And she wanted them arranged like a cocktail party with some close together and some alone. (much of her work dealing with physical closeness or isolation) And she wanted the gallery visitors to be able to walk among the pieces. She created an installation with these pieces. And from the Personages I discovered her immense oeuvre. Another quality of this artist that appeals to me is she works in any and everything ~ painting, wood, marble, fiber & found objects to name a few. So much wonderful work, stories and emotions that I can't even begin....
The world lost this amazing artist earlier this year. (click here for the New York Times' obituary)
Since her death I have wanted to write a tribute to her and her work ~ but I was always overwhelmed or didn't feel prepared enough. But recently I have been drawn back to studying her work and during one of my library searches I came across this film. So this evening, once the girls were in bed, kitchen clean and the house was quiet, I set myself up with a cup of tea, some crocheting and Louise and I was memorized for hours ( I kept stopping and rewinding and taking notes to make sure I got everything). I highly recommend this movie and the work of Louise Bourgeois ~ be prepared for quite a journey!! peace
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