Yesterday I successfully installed my most recent installation at the Student Union Art Gallery, UMass Amherst for their show, Multiple Totalities. The install went very well and everyone at the gallery, as well as myself, is very happy with the result. This experience was a little taunting as this piece did not involve a dress & I have realized that I have feel safe with my dresses. But i am excited to be branching out, pushing myself ~ while making this piece I kept thinking that i want to be more fearless in my work!!

This completed installation (untitled as of yet) turned out differently than what i had in my head. For one thing the space was not as I has imagined. That is an exciting aspect of site specific art ~ the ability to adapt to diffe

rent spaces. I was hoping to have the table line up with the wall with the boxes but the gallery space didn't allow it. I was also hoping to have 5 shadowboxes, however because of time constr

I have 2.
And I am super happy with those 2!!!!
I love the concept of the shadowbox and really enjoyed creating them!!! I really hope to make some more ~ especially the other 3 that I had planned for this installation. I say 'hope' because I realize how I ping-pong around to so many ideas and that a due date or show date can really motivate me to finish a certain project. It has something to do with that family/art 'gray' line that i bump up against over and over. How I feel like I never have enough time to do anything as fully as I want!!! Also in the face of so many ideas and projects I get to be a Whirling Dervish at times - not knowing where to sett

le. Now I am not complaining ~ I know having some many ideas and desires is a blessing ~ I just wish I either didn't have to sleep or that there were 36 hours in a day :)!!

This installation does feature my pink foam pieces which are shown in all their glory. Even during the install they were attracting attention and curiosity!! I am happy that this piece has an enigmatic quality (that is why it is still untitled) My aim to have people wonder ~ what is going on here??
It was great to be back ~ working!!!! The gallery people were so helpful and made sure I wasn't overextending myself. the space is welcoming & bright. It should be an exciting show - most of the other installations were set-up. Below is the press release and the dates ~ peace
March 8, 2010
Student Union Art Gallery
326 Student Union
UMass Amherst
www.umass.edu/rso/suagContact: Kerry O’Grady, Gallery Director
(413) 545-0792
Multiple Totalities
3/22/10 – 4/2/10
Reception: Tuesday, 3/23, 4-6pm
Gallery Hours: M-Th 10-5, F 10-3.
Also open Saturday 3/27 1-5pm and Thursday 4/1 until 9pm.
(Amherst, MA) - The Student Union Art Gallery proudly presents a juried exhibition of installation works by nine artists from across Massachusetts.
Curated by gallery director Kerry O’Grady, Multiple Totalities incorporates eight installations into one cohesive show. Building from the all-encompassing possibilities of installation as a medium, the show presents each installation as an autonomous whole while simultaneously combining all eight to present the transitions and peripheral relationships analogous to our daily lives.
UMass Amherst student Kim Carlino, recent Skidmore College alum Lea Chiara, recent UMass Amherst alum Michael Childress, Hampshire College student Christopher Cole, Boston-area artists Denise Driscoll and Tom Driscoll, Boston-based artist Virginia Fitzgerald, Northampton-based artist Chris Millette, and Charlotte Sullivan, currently based in Northampton.
The Student Union Art Gallery is located in the Student Union Building in the center of the UMass Amherst campus. It is accessible via the Campus Center Garage. All events are free and open to the public.This exhibit is made possible by the UMass Arts Council, the Student Government Association, and the Graduate Student Senate, and by an ECSA (Engage, Connect, Serve, Achieve) grant, which is funded the Center for Student Development and the Division of Student Affairs & Campus Life.