At the beginning of the month the gallery at Medicine Wheel was emptied and I began my eggshell dress installation. Even though I had been planning and sketching and plotting for the past months - once the room was empty all bets were off - everything in my mind shifted. I suddenly realized that not only was I going to be building a large eggshell dress I had to create an entire environment. I needed to consider the walls, the ceiling, the floor, the lighting, .....

One thing i hadn't planned on was a door in the middle of the back wall. I was told I could
anything I wanted to with it - change the size, change the shape or cover it up. I realized that i didn't want to cover it because having the door gave the room air, it allowed for a draft, a breeze ~ I wanted to have the room breathe. So I was keeping the door but how to have it work with the eggshell dress???
my first thought was to make it a dress, like a shadow. I took a piece of charcoal and sketched the dress on the wall to get a visual of what that would look like. I drew a large dress encompassing the entire door as it was. Once I drew the dress I started sketching an environment around the dress. I drew this room totally out of whack - a huge couch, a bed with wrong proportions, wild plants ~ Dr. Seuss meets Alice in Wonderland.