Sunday, December 27, 2009

the Art of the Doll

On Christmas eve I had an early present when I went to the Newton Free Library to view Georgette Benisky's show, " The Art of the Doll". The show runs through Dec. 30th (I know it is short notice but if you can get there it is worth it!!) I found the show magical and inspiring ~ full of color and beautiful fabrics. Her dolls have a wonderful presence that took me in. One of my favorite pieces is Blanc ~ it made me stop and exhale, such a welcomed experience during the crazy holiday season!! As an artist i was very taken by the different materials and processes. I felt quite a kinship with the work - the wrapped arms of some of the dolls were similar to the tentacles on Medusa. And I was just plain moved by the fabrics and embrodiery. It was inspiring because I have been playing around with more ideas that revolve around fabric!! I so loved making Lush and really want to m
ake more fabric pieces!!! So the timing couldnot have been better.
So if you are in the neighborhood of the Newton Free Library (330 Homer Street, Newton Center) take the time to stop in and see the show - it is really a treat!!!
thanks & peace ~

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Black Widow is heading for the windy city

Black Widow got accepted into the national Women's Caucus for Art's exhibition 'From the Center' to be shown at Woman Made Gallery, Chicago, IL. I am so excited ~ besides getting into this nationally juried show, the juror was Lucy Lippard!! Lucy Lippard is an internationally known writer, activist, and curator from the United States and she was an early champion of feminist art, and among the first writers to books on contemporary art. I have read many of her writings and I am so honored that she selected one of my pieces!!! Black Widow was one of only 45 pieces selected to be shown at Woman Made Gallery from over the 450 pieces submitted; there will be an addition 30 pieces to be featured in the online gallery and in the catalog. If you go to the online gallery you can read Lucy Lippard's entire juror's statement ~ but I wanted to highlight part of her statement here because it addresses DRESSES ......
"Another thread, so to speak, was the number of pieces on clothing, specifically dresses. How many of us wear dresses on a regular basis? Not me, for sure. Yet these dresses seem to represent fantasies. They are for little girls and sexy sirens, representing our childhoods (happy and unhappy) and the dreams of glamour and success that remain intertwined in the female image, often seen through a lens of irony or disillusion." ~Lucy Lippard
I am honored that one of my dresses will be represented in this exhibit! Now all I need to do i figure out how to ship Black Widow to Chicago (with no packing peanuts)....any suggestions????

Thursday, December 17, 2009

dress project 2010

Happy to announce that the dress project 2010 calendars are in the building!!! Twelve months of different dresses ~ something every house needs!!!
the calendars measure about 10x15" when open, and is bound with a double looped wire for easy opening. The calendar features many dresses, such as ~ fecund, the bread dress, & sizzzzzzzzzzle to name a few. This will be the fourth year of the dress project calendar and if I say so myself - this is the best so far!! some cool photos!!
So for a mere $20 (plus s/h) you too can have dresses all year long!! Just email yours truly and we can arrange to have one delivered to your door!! you can also email if need more information about the calendars or just want to say hi!! :)


Monday, December 14, 2009

want some arty, one of a kind gifts???

Just a reminder to checkout the Small Art Showcase for wonderful gifts for everyone!!! If you haven't heard about this wonderful site here is a brief description.....
a collection of fine artists who are making their work accessible and affordable to art lovers and collectors. These fine artists who, besides making larger scale work, are also making smaller work. All work presented by the artists via this site is priced between $25. - $500. Couldn't ask for anything better!?!

This is the second year that I am participating and I am trying a new format for my site ~ a blog page instead of a web page. On my site i am offering my 2010 dress project calendar & my book the Dress Project ~ the beginning ( a photographic documentary of how the dress project began in Well Beach, ME). You will also find my 4"x6" wall dresses (such as ~ Fortunate dress, shown lower right) & my photographs of the ephemeral dresses as well as some and other expressions in dress forms (such as Rose flow shown upper right).

Besides me there are other inspirational artists, like Jeanne Williamson, Catherine Evans, Deb Putnoi along with 20 others!!! Check out the site and the work of these artists, and consider supporting them by making a purchase :), or telling other people who appreciate art about this site. Some other arty sites to visit are The Fine Art Department and Whimsical Paintings, they are similar to Small Art Showcase. have fun surfing!!!

Thank you & peace

Friday, December 11, 2009

from Gallery Z.... join us this weekend

Please join us this weekend at Gallery Z!!
Gallery hours 12-8PM Saturday with a Special Sunday Event!!

This Sunday, December 13, 1:00 - 3:00PM Gallery Z is hosting a Champagne Toast to celebrate with all the artists included in this month's exhibition, "Functional Objects of Desire".

We're is thrilled to host this new, unique, and one-of-a-kind exhibition for our last show of the year. This show aims to highlight the functional aspect of artwork, allowing viewers to embrace the arts in their everyday lives.

Right on time for holiday shopping on Atwells, don't be surprised if you find the perfect gift for him, her, or even yourself! This show has a little bit of everything whether it's jewelry, furniture, accent lighting or a portrait; everything is one of a kind and hand crafted by local artisans.

Featured in this show are Andrea Valentini, Virginia Fitzgerald, Jennaca Davies, Karenna Maraj, Jeff Soderbergh, Deborah A. Bruns-Thomas, Dan Denton, Erik Bright, Joshua Enck, Jeff Edwards, Mike Pichette, and Carol Scavotto. Ewa Romaszewicz is offering portrait commissions with examples on display in the exhibition. Additionally, artwork by Kevork Mourad and Stephen Brigidi is on display.The Opening Reception for this show is Thursday, December 17, 5:00 - 9:00 PM and is combined with our monthly Art, Food & Wine.Featuring the cuisine of several restaurants from Federal Hill and wine, hand-selected by Mark Gasbarro of Gasbarro's Wines, 361 Atwells Avenue on Historic Federal Hill the event will benefit City Arts.

Go to for the full press release and to view a slide show of the artwork from this exhibit.
The Gallery is open 2-8PM Wednesday and 12-8 Thursday - Saturday, by chance, or by appointment.
Don't forget about FREE VALET PARKING courtesy of our neighbor Zooma, located 245 Atwells Avenue, Providence, RI 02903.

About Gallery Z
Located on Providence's Historic Atwells Avenue (Exit 21 from Interstate 95) since 2001, Gallery Z offers an eclectic collection of works by 20th-21st century Armenian, American, international, and Rhode Island artists. Opening receptions are held on the third Thursday of each month. Owner and photographer Bérge Ara Zobian, spearheading efforts to raise public interest in the arts, dedicates an entire front window to the public forum.

Also, Gallery Z is a TAX FREE ZONE. For more information, click here.
And, as always, all exhibits are free and open to the public.

The gallery can be found on the World Wide Web at
Please feel free to contact the gallery at

Gallery Hours:

Wed 2-8pm
Thurs-Sat 12-8pm
By appointment and by chance

MEMBER - Gallery Night Providence
MEMBER - PWCVB, Providence Warwick Convention Visitors Bureau
MEMBER - Federal Hill Commerce Association
MEMBER - Americans for the Arts

Directions to Gallery Z:

From the North:
Take 95 South to Exit 21. At the end of the exit ramp, take a right onto Atwells Avenue.

From the South:
Take 95 North to exit 21. At the second set of lights take a left onto Atwells Avenue.

Gallery Z is located on your right at 259 Atwells Avenue.

Thursday, December 17th
5:00 - 9:00PM

Monday, December 7, 2009

two milestones for the Dress Project

Yesterday my friends and I made a road trip to Providence, Rhode Island to drop off 5 dresses at Gallery Z to be part of their show,"Functional Objects of Desire". I am especially excited about this show, besides being an exciting show in a great space, it represent two milestones for the Dress Project! The first being that this show is the 12th juried group show for the Dress Project in 2009 (besides my two installations ~ it has been a wonderfully full year!!)!!! And secondly ~ the Dress Project has crossed state lines!!!!

The dresses that left the state are two big sculptures ~ the 'Red Alert Cocktail dress' and 'In Memory of....' and 3 mini dresses fresh of the work table. Pictured here is 'tuck under thumb and hold firmly' or chopstick dress (it is made from chopstick wrapper that have the instruction on how to use chopsticks properly). I hope to post pictures of the other two later - one is another crossword puzzle dress and the other was inspired by 'this comes from within'. I called it 'precious', made out of rice paper, feather, eggshells and glitter ~ it makes my heart soar.

The show will run from December 9th ~ December 23rd with the opening reception on December 17th 5-9pm. The Gallery is wonderful and located in an Italian neighborhood full of yummy smells. After dropping off the work we had a delicious salad and pizza just down the street from the gallery so make a plan to come by the show then grabbing a tasty bite!!!
Another fun show that is featuring a dress is Icon and Altars at the New Art Center which is ending this Sunday. There will be a closing reception Sunday, December 13th, 3-5pm with the ticket drawing @ 4pm ~ i have heard it is lots of fun to be there for the drawing.
A wonderful ending to an fantastic year!! and i send many thanks out to the universe for offering me all these amazing opportunities and giving me the support systems to be able to seize the moments!!! I am truly, TRULY grateful and hunger for more ~ wonder what 2010 will hold?!!!! thx & peace!!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

poetry friday

this week I found the book 100 essential modern poems by women, edited by Joseph Parisi and Kathleen Welton at my local library. In this volume besides the 100 poems there are small biographies of each of the 49 women poets which I found as interesting to read as the poems!! while leafing through the pages of this wonderful find I came across this poem by May Swenson which i thought i'd share today. Along with this poem I have posted some of the photos that I took while in Portland, OR when my friend and i made the bread dresses.

Neither wanting more
by May Swenson

To lie with you
in a field of grass
to lie there forever
and let time pass

Touching lightly
shoulder and thigh
Neither wanting more
Neither asking why

To have your whole
cool body's length
along my own
to know the strength
of a secret tide
of longing seep
into our veins
go deep...deep

Dissolving flesh
and melting bone
Oh, to lie with you

To feel your breast
rise with my sigh
To hold you mirrored
in my eye

Neither wanting more
Neither asking why
~ peace

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

For all those who were wondering.....

I got my stitches out and I am getting back to the studio. I must confess it has been a frustrating few weeks - not being able to work and especially not being able to get my hands WET! ~ an act that I will never take for granted again!!! So today as I was puttering around my studio, getting back into the swing of things, finishing up another mini~dress I celebrated having my hands free again! I was using some water based black stain and realized that I was pleased when my hands got black because I could wash them (it is amazing the wonders of small miracles) .... but then I remembered that I have always wanted to experiment with making a dress out of fingerprints!!!
What a great way to celebrate getting back to work and getting my hands dirty. Of course this is a no mistake kind of deal and the dress was getting wider than I wanted. But I also had fun overlapping the prints to create some dimension in the skirt. Definitely more fingerprint dresses to come. I was also wondering about using stain instead of ink, etc... So great to be back and be pondering these issues!!! Peace

Friday, November 27, 2009

Poetry Friday

I have moved my weekly poetry posts to Friday to be part of "Poetry Friday" at the suggestion of my dear friend & awesome writer ~ Martha Calderaro. I am still trying to get an idea of what exactly poetry Friday is, however I do know many writers and poets post poetry on Friday and one of them 'hosts'. I also know i have discovered many a wonderful poem surfing around on Friday, so here is my poem for this week ~ one of my favorites by William Carlos Williams

The Red Wheelbarrow

so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white

I was first introduced to this poem in an illustration class eons ago ~ the teacher gave us this poem to illustrate. As the images exploded before my eyes the lines settled into my mind, for me to return to many times. Then recently I discovered this beautiful picture book about William Carlos Williams' life ~ A River Of Words the story of William Carlos Williams written by Jen Bryant & illustrated by Melissa Sweet. The illustrations and design of this book blew me away - I think it is a true treasure that I highly recommend you seek out and enjoy ~ the story of a passion for poetry, the wonderful poems and the fantastic illustrations!!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Well i hope everyone has had a wonderful day of thanks & gratitude. Don't know if anyone has noticed but it has been a bit quiet on this end of this blog. The reason being is that a week ago I was involved in an incident that put my hands out of commission for awhile :(. Both hands had to have stitches but luckily nothing too serious and for this I am truly thankful. But I have had to lay low & rest which is one of my life lessons that I keep struggling with. So on this day of thanks I am truly grateful for my hands that will heal and will soon be messing around in the studio again. It is these times that make me appreciate how much working & creating is as important to me as breathing. So I will be back (soon i hope) but for now I wish for all peace and love!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

just a few reminders.....

Friday, November 13, 6-8pm ~ opening reception for the Icons & Alters 16th annual benefit exhibition @ the New Art Center, Newton, MA. Follow this link to see all the pieces that are available! The show runs from Nov.13th - Dec. 13th, 2009.

Also mark your calendars for RED It's more than a color: metaphor, feeling idea or hue @ the Cambridge Art Association. I am happy to announce that Lush was accepted in this show. The show will run from Nov. 10th, 2009 - Jan. 14th, 2010 and is exhibited in 2 places - the Kathryn Schultz Gallery, 25 Lowell St. & University Place Gallery, 124 Mount Auburn St (both in Cambridge). The opening reception is Friday, November 20th, 6-8pm in both galleries. This show was juried by Carl Belz, Director Emeritus, Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University. I am not sure where Lush is but will let you al know as soon as I do :).

Other arty events not to miss ....

The Dana Hall School Art Gallery will feature an exhibit by David A. Lang titled Sculpture from October 20 through November 24, 2009. Gallery Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Wednesday and Friday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. And here is an article about the show ~ there is a video too!!!

Also an installation by Evelyn Berde ~ "Leaving The River" an Installation of Art about Loss and Love, Mass College of Art & Design, Arnheim Gallery
November 16, 2009 – December 3, 2009
Opening Reception: November 18, 2009, 5 to 9 pm

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

the poem for the week

by Jane Kenyon

I got out of bed
on two strong legs.
It might have been
otherwise. I ate
cereal, sweet
milk, ripe, flawless
peach. It might
have been otherwise.
I took the dog uphill
to the birch wood.
All morning I did
the work I love.

At noon I lay down
with my mate. It might
have been otherwise.
We ate dinner together
at a table with silver
candlesticks. It might
have been otherwise.
I slept in a bed
in a room with paintings
on the walls, and
planned another day
just like this day.
But one day, I know,
it will be otherwise.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Hot off the Presses ~ i got my first grant!!!

This weekend I learned that I was one of the lucky artists to receive The Artist's Valentine Grant!!! This is my first grant and I am very excited!! Thank you Ben Aronson who was the juror this year, and everyone who is involved in this great program. I love the concept ~ artists supporting artists ~ below is a list of the recipients & a little information about the whole idea.
2009 Grant Recipients, juried by Ben Aronson
David Lang - Kinetic Sculpture

Since 1996 over $47,000 has been awarded to visual artists of every discipline: painters, fiber artists, printmakers, installation artists — the gamut. Every penny of these grants has come from the sale of artist-made valentines. All labor is volunteer, and all valentines are donated.

Proceeds from the annual Valentine sales (which have been held every Feb. for the past 13 years) are used to fund a juried grant competition for artists. Artists who have donated work to the Artist's Valentine are eligible to apply for an unrestricted grant to further their art. The awards are made through the jurying of slides or digital images (of their professional work).

Ten nationally known museum curators, gallerists, professors, working artists, and critics have served as jurors to the Artist’s Valentine, including Barbara Krakow, Nick Capasso, Pamela Clark Cochrane, Bernard Toale, Joseph Carroll and Ben Aronson, among others.

thank u 4 waiting!!

this dress will be part of the Icons & Alters Show at Newton's Nen Art Center. I am very excited to be part of this event. I have listed all the informattion about the show below. The opening is this Friday - it is a beautiful space and should be a fun party!!! peace

icons + altars
The New Art Center's
16th Annual Benefit Exhibition
November 13 - December 13, 2009

Opening Reception:
Friday, November 13, 6-8pm

icons + altars features work by 107 regional artists who have created work specially for this exhibition + sale to benefit the New Art Center. Artists respond to the themes of "icons" + "altars" in many media including painting, drawing, photography, mixed media, ceramics, + sculpture.

Visiting the gallery is always FREE!

107 tickets for artwork are available for the 107 pieces in the show. Buy a $250 ticket to select an original work of art and support the New Art Center. Each ticket enters you in the drawing at the closing reception, where you are guaranteed to take home an engaging piece of art. Due to the diversity of work and tastes, the majority of ticket holders get one of their top choices!

Purchase your ticket by 7:30pm on opening night for a chance to receive an additional ticket!

Purchase your ticket by November 10 and receive a $15 Gift Certificate to Limited Editions located at 1176 Walnut Street, Newton Highlands

To purchase tickets for art please call (617) 964-3424, visit the gallery, or send in a Mail-in order form.

Gallery Information ~ all of our exhibitions are free and open to the public.

Gallery Hours:
Monday -Friday 9am-5pm
Sat & Sun 1-5pm
Closed November 26-28; Open Sunday, November 29.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

a poem a week keeps.....

As I am still trying to come down from my many extremely creative months working on 'this comes from within', I am waking up to all the possibilities of inspiration around me. I have joined a group where we share a photograph a day ~ this activity has sent my creative brain in to over drive. Suddenly I am seeing the world in a new light. It has made the past weeks wildly intense ~ I am acutely aware of the changing colors of Autumn. This state of mind has reminded me of the time when i was painting still-life's ~ I would be walking around seeing possible paintings and now I am seeing wonderful photos ~ unique compositions, interesting lighting, wondrous textures & surprising reflections. And while on this creative buzz I decided to make sure i keep other art forms in my life , especially poetry. So I am going to try to post a poem a week ~ because 'assignments', like a photo a day or a poem a week seem to work well for me. So in honor of my 'new' way of viewing the world I am going to share this poem which I found in my current studio when I moved in.
'This much I do Remember' by Billy Collins

It was after dinner.
You were talking to me across the table
about something or other,
a greyhound you had seen that day
or a song you liked,
and I was looking past you
over your bare shoulder
at the three oranges lying
on the kitchen counter
next to the small electric bean grinder,
which was also orange,
and the orange and white cruets for vinegar and oil.
All of which converged
into a random still life,
so fastened together by the hasp of color,
and so fixed behind the animated
foreground of your
talking and smiling,
gesturing and pouring wine,
and the camber of you shoulders
that I could feel it being painted within me,
brushed on the wall of my skull,
while the tone of your voice
lifted and fell in its flight,
and the three oranges
remained fixed on the counter
the way that stars are said
to be fixed in the universe.
Then all of the moments of the past
began to line up behind that moment
and all of the moments to come
assembled in front of it in a long row,
giving me reason to believe
that this was a moment I had rescued
from millions that rush out of sight
into a darkness behind the eyes.
Even after I have forgotten what year it is,
my middle name,
and the meaning of money,
I will still carry in my pocket
the small coin of that moment,
minted in the kingdom
that we pace through every day.

- Billy Collins"

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Nothing is Safe!!!

As I mentioned in my last post I am seeing dresses EVERYWHERE!!! so here is one out of an interesting material .... any guesses????


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

the calm after the storm

so 'this comes from within' is gone!!! dress taken apart, curtains down, walls painted over, eggshells swept up. It is amazing ~ when the time came I was ready to move on!!! But it has been interesting, this post-installation period. The past 4 months it have been crazy, I NEVER felt like I had enough time, balancing between the demands of creating an installation (something i had never done before) and the needs of a family that was used to having me around more. It was an intense time, and now I have some breathing room. I can go to my daughter's soccer game and not need to race off down to Boston ~ nice. But it is also weird!! I LOVED working on the installation, I LOVED the intensity of the work ~ the envisioning of the space, the problem solving, the physical work and especially painting the walls!!! I loved my walls. I guess what i am 'struggling' with now is trying to figure out the normal pace of things again!!! I have many ideas and projects that i can do, call for work to submit, dresses to finish, in fact my hands are itching to get to work. I really want to dive head first into another big challenge. However i just might need to remember a more balanced and possibly more health approach to work and life! That said ~ I am seeing wonderful materials EVERYWHERE and I am champing on the bit to make dresses ~ many, many dresses. But i usually don't because I am needed some where else. However, finally i couldn't resist the spectacular yellow leaves!! Fall is my favorite season, one reason is the wild explosion of colors around me. Everyday I am stunned by the beauty!!!
this year is so amazing I have started lugging my camera everywhere to take photos of these autumnal treasures. One day while walking the hound I came across some yellow leaves that stopped me in my tracks ~ I liked their shape and weight & they spoke to me in dress speak - i saw a skirt. So much to Scruffy's chagrin I stopped and collected the leaves to bring home. I soon found some others that moved me and before they all dried out I made this dress ~
by the time to took the photo the light from the setting sun was super intense. So with that intensity and with the inspiration for the dress coming from the yellow leaves I call this dress ~ SunBurst! It is always good to be outside creating a dress ~ I am glad I have a little more breathing room to do that!!! peace & happy fall!